I want to take this moment to speak into your dear lives. Uganda, as we speak right now is at ‘tentertoes’ and we need salvation from the Lord. As it has always been, whenever Uganda is going through a turmoil, I feel a call on my life not to just be quite, but to share in the experience that my people, fellow Ugandans, are going through.
Therefore, I take this moment to speak to the key players in our country, that are mandated by the people to make decisions on their behalf, ladies and gentlemen, we should always remember the motto that holds this country; for God and my country.
Uganda cannot, not even for one time stand without God. It has been God throughout the historical moments of what God has done through the history of this country. A lot of blood has been shed right from the time we got our independence up till now.
More so, I would like to speak to the President of this country, President Yoweri Museveni, Sir, I would like to address to you the issues that affect the people of this country. And in the long run may have effect on your own life. I remember way back Mr President, you remember, when you took me up as a boy coming from school in Massulita. We run through together, in the jungles of Luwero. From 1981, you know the story very well. And I believe you remember me very well. When I look at my self today in my 40’s, and I look at that time from the age of five to now, this is remarkable.
I would love to remind you that you had values that took you to that struggle. Which values seem to have been abandoned today. And when I look at where Uganda is going as a prophet to this nation, and as a prophet to the nations of the world, I want you to understand that prophets are not called to just seat in their offices but they are meant to see far than any body can see.
And I would like to remind you of the historical moments that we had together, with a few generals that are still alive today. it was a remarkable moment to be today that I never got an opportunity yo enjoy my Childhood because of the war that started on 1981 and ended 1986.
Today I am a man with Children that are exactly my age when i was on the bush and when I look at Uganda today, I look at a very crucial moment when Uganda is going into the same thing that we were in 1981 to 1965. How now do we save our country? People are crying.
I don’t think many of you have the chance to speak to Mr President and tell him the real truth that affects the people of Uganda. People are dying, poverty is rampant, their land is being grabbed. Everything is happening. We are sliding into mad, we are going to a place where only God can save us. I’ve had many make Jokes that they don’t believe in God. I don’t care if you believe in God or not, but those …men that we were with and those that died, and those who are still still live up to today, can remember what we went through and not allow Uganda to slide into the same.
Therefore I am saying, don’t touch the constitution of Uganda. Spare it and spare Ugandans. They have cried for long. We know the tears of the people because we serve the people. We know what People go through. And I what to request decision makers – members of parliament – that God has given power, for you to make choices of many millions of Ugandans. Don’t allow to be taken by a bribe.
I want to warn you, don’t you dare allow the bribe because Uganda will hold you accountable. It may be today, it may be tomorrow. You may seem like everything is fine but I want to assure you, I was young when we were taking over Uganda in 1986. I was a young boy, I saw strong men who had everything you can talk about lifting their hands in the air and surrender to men that where in rags.
I want to tell you Ugandans and warn you, time is now and quote; for clergy men who are seated down and don’t mind because everything is ok – bread and butter is on the table, I want to tell you that time is coming when bread and butter will be no more. You will have no where to run. It is time you speak the truth for the bible says; you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Ugandans at this time need the truth.
Let us not peddle the interests of Mr Museveni into the will of the people because we are sliding somewhere and I want to tell you ladies and gentlemen, if you love this country, children, those houses and riches you have gathered, you should spare the constitution of Uganda.
People are very angry and I will say to you, I am warning you, because we are sliding into trouble. I wouldn’t love, just like Hon Amelia Kyambadde made a statement and said; she does not want to return to exile. Why should you let Ugandans live in exile. It is time to hand over power freely, enough is enough.
The Baganda say; ‘ne’omuzinyi omulungi ava muddilo.’ Even a good dancer gets to a moment when he has puts his or her instruments down and say; I am done with music. Even the greatest boxer, there are moments when you have to hung your gloves. It is not a sign of weakness but the power that shows you the future and you say; not, I have seen the future and I’ve got no future now. I’ll be beaten, destroyed, I’m putting everything down.
I beseech you ladies and gentlemen, now to do something so significant, to uphold our constitution. I want to thank every body who has been standing out to say; touch not the constitution. Students of Makerere, some are in prison. The Lord Mayor my friend, who we have shared the prison together and many of you that are standing there – stand strong – members of parliament who have decided in the opposition and NRM that are saying no, this cannot continue, may the Lord bless you.
I pray that Uganda shall not go through a moment of Blood, turmoil. That God shall lead and inspire the hearts of many Ugandans. Some hate us, but listen to me, you don’t need to hate me, I am telling you the truth that will save you. God bless you and I am praying that the Lord will help Ugandans and save Uganda from what we went through in 1981 all through during the times of Idd Amin, Obote and all these moments, I pray that the Lord will save Uganda.
For God and my country. The Lord bless you.
By Dr Happy David Ngabo (Phd)