Evangelist Steven Sebyala has encouraged Christians to read the Bible regardless of the prevailing circumstances, noting that it is the truth embedded in God’s word that ‘strengthens our faith and enables us to live without fear.’
Speaking during a Facebook broadcast on 24 March, the founder of Christ’s Church – Kitintale revealed that Christians can conquer all fears by building up their faith through the word of God.
“Arming yourself with the Word of God, everyday, makes your faith stronger,” he said.
By speaking scriptures out of our mouths and trusting in God with our hearts, Evangelist Steven Sebyala noted that we become more invincible in the spirit to do His will.
“It’s very common nowadays, people are losing hope [due to] the threats around the globe, people are pushed to the corners. They’re hiding everywhere, and fear has gripped the hearts of many… This is not the first scaring thing that has ever happened on Earth. But God has always come through for His children,” the preacher noted. “I want you to know that God is never late. He’s always on time. He will intervene in your situation.”
Evangelist Steven Sebyala said we live in times where faith can easily be caught up in the prevailing challenges of life. He noted that calling upon the name of the Lord is key.
“We either believe or we live in fear. Sometimes people justify their fear by calling it wisdom. They say, ‘it’s wise to do this’, but really, it is not because they are wise, they are simply justifying the fear factor in their hearts.
“Maybe your hope is gone. Maybe your joy is gone. Maybe your beloved is infected and sick. I don’t know what is happening in your house, but this one thing I know, God is able. He doesn’t discriminate, He reaches [out to] all people. And Romans 10:13 says, ‘For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,'” he explained.
He continued, “The Scripture says, ‘How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?…’ (Romans 10:134). Today, open up your life, open up your heart, and allow Him to become your Lord and your Savior. Repent of your sins, and choose to walk in the light – to walk in His path.”
The preacher stated that regardless of your influence and background, “we all face limitations, but we have a God who is not limited.” He explained how the the miraculous raising of Lazarus from the dead in John 11 should inspire Christians to hold on to faith amid crisis .
“Maybe your life is full of questions and you don’t know what to do… I want to encourage you to trust the Lord and to come to Him in prayer.” “There’s no mountain God cannot move. There’s no valley He cannot fill. God can jump all the mountains to get your life out, it doesn’t matter what has bound you. God is able to break every chain and every prison door, to bring you out,” Evangelist Steven Sebyala said.
When calamity strikes, Evangelist Steven Sebyala said first thing it does is destroy our faith in God, “so we cannot stand up again.”
“When your faith is dead, all you speak is negativity. Your speech is characterized by fear. I pray this day that God, by His grace, will awaken your faith again. Scripture teaches, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world– our faith.” (1 John 5:4). Jesus instructed us to speak to our mountain,” he said.
“Our victory is not only limited to medicine, yes, medicine can help us, but still, our faith surpasses medical practice. Faith in God is the power which the world has never seen. He can turn the impossibles into possible.
“When such moments come, instead of panicking, build your faith, change your confession and attitude, knowing that God is on your side,” he said.