OPINION | When you ask God for help, remember that He is faithful. When Jesus invited Peter to walk with Him on the water, Peter was able to do it — as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus and focused on his circumstances — looking at the waves around him and the water beneath him, he sank. When you ask God for help, focus on His Word and what He is speaking to your heart to believe for, rather than letting your faith be determined by your situation.
I went through some tough times where, I wondered, why my prayers often went unanswered, seemingly unheard. This mentality was totally wrong! There is no such thing as unheard prayer. When I prayed, regardless of the outcome, God was answering my prayer.
Through persevering in prayer in each trying situation, praising God and believing in His goodness, we will build the character we need in order to receive all that God has for us without being overwhelmed. And each situation we emerge from in triumph is a small picture of the victory that awaits all believers someday when we receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him!
God has our best interests at heart, we will emerge from the experience “perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” Often, God allows us to go through difficult challenges because those very experiences shape us to receive the answer He has already prepared. Even in the midst of pain, if we can press on -praying, standing on His Word, believing His promises — we will see His goodness bring us to a better place.
Too many of us reason out problems and come up with solutions on our own — coming to God only as a last resort. God tells us in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” If we come to Him whether we have encounter difficulties or not, He promises to give us His perspective on all situations.