The Bible Society of Uganda (BSU) is seeking 25 Billion Uganda Shillings to construct a 7 seven-floor new Bible House, to accommodate offices and commercial space.
BSU is a Christian Non-Governmental Organization, which serves churches and the general public by making the Holy Scriptures affordable and available in languages that people understand best.
Such a noble dream pertains to God, and we must dream with Him for its fulfilment.
God dreamt the entire creation, and it came to be! God is eternally creative and He plants good dreams and desires in each person, so we may be His co-creators (see Genesis 1:28). “To be creative is to dream with God in order to truly live out our most fulfilling destiny.” Says Johnson Bill, a Christian evangelist.
Dreaming with God is not about how. It is about what I would love to see happen in my life. With God, all things are possible! Our dreams can become a reality when God is involved.
Dreaming with God involves faith. “Faith does not come from our understanding. It comes from the heart. We do not believe because we understand; we understand because we believe (see Hebrews 11:6).
The Bible mentions two outstanding Josephs endowed with Godly dreams; namely, Joseph the son of Jacob, and Joseph of Nazareth.
The first Joseph had been sold by his siblings into slavery in Egypt. Ironically, his giftedness with Godly dreams earned him a great placement of Prime Minister to the Pharaoh.
Through his good offices and faith in God, Joseph saves his family and multitudes of other people, from famine (see Genesis 41-50).
The Godly dream of Joseph of Nazareth, earned him the holy responsibility of being the husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world (see Mathew 1:18-25).
The proposed project of a new Bible House may be compared to Namirembe and Lubaga cathedrals, which were once-upon-time dreams that came true. They are serving the Great Commission, given by Jesus to His Church, to evangelize the entire world. He promised to accompany to the end of time (see Matthew 28:19-20).
Despite the ongoing challenges ushered in by the Covid-19 pandemic, God is calling upon every member of the Bible Society, and all people of goodwill, to generously contribute to the realization of the new Bible House, in our time. “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children” (Proverbs 13:22).
With this in mind, the people of prophet Haggai may be of great inspiration. Despite the predicament which had been ushered in by a prolonged period of the Babylonian exile, they generously contributed to the rebuilding of God’s Temple in Jerusalem. Haggai assured them of blessings if they prioritized God’s business (see Haggai 1-2).
There is no limit to giving back to God for the gift of life, providence and salvation. “Let us never grow tired of doing good; for at the proper time we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up”, urges Paul in Galatians 6:9.
The biblical widow’s mite, that made her a mighty widow, indicates that nobody is so poor that they cannot donate something (see Mark 12:43-44). “…God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Ultimately, it is God accomplishing great dreams through us, and very often in spite of us. “Nothing is impossible with God,” said the angel Gabriel to Mary (Luke 1:39). “Great things happen when God mixes with us”, affirms hymnist Carey Landry.
We pray for the grace to give completely of ourselves to every God’s cause, holding nothing back, seeking, above all, the spiritual riches of His Kingdom.
Article First Published Here