Most Christians traditionally worship on Sunday. Sunday worship is partly attributed to Sabbatarianism, the view that one day of the week should be reserved for faith observance and worship, as required by Old Testament laws regarding the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8, 31:12–18).
In this view, man is to abstain from all labor on a particular day, and Clergy urge that Sunday church attendance should be one of the priorities in the Christian life.
Top officials from the Catholic Church in Kampala have expressed concern over believers who have turned what they describe as ‘God’s day’ into a working day.
Archbishop of Kampala, Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga while presiding over celebrations of 119 years of Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Parish Mitala-Maria in Mpigi district on Wednesday said some people have reached the extent of not going to Church on Sundays and prefer going to work.
“God gave us six days to work. He set aside only one day; Sunday a day for prayers, but many people have rejected it, which is bad,” he stressed.
“It is embarrassing for people who never respect Sunday as God’s day to think of making money,” he added.
What others say
In their submission, gotquestions.org observes that in examining our motives for missing church, we should also examine our motives for attending church.
“There is no doubt that Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, should attend church. It should be the desire of every Christian to worship corporately (Ephesians 5:19–20), to fellowship with and encourage other Christians (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and to be taught God’s Word,” the website points out.
“Do we attend church to make ourselves appear spiritual? To interact with possible business contacts? Or do we attend because of the legalistic notion that says the more frequently we walk through the doors of a church, the more God is pleased with us? It’s true that there are many people who attend church regularly yet do not have a good relationship with the Lord.
If your church attendance involves nothing more than sitting bored and inattentive through the singing and sermon, and then leaving immediately after the service ends, then you might as well have missed church, as you did not gain anything from it and you contributed nothing to it.
“We should attend church, not to collect spiritual bonus points, but because we love God, love His people, and love His Word. Every Christian should attempt to attend church regularly. At the same time, missing church for a good reason is in no sense a sin or something that should cause feelings of guilt,” the website points out further.
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