In two separate statements released Tuesday, officials from the Anglican Church of Uganda called upon Christians in the country to “flee from Pastor Bugingo’s teachings about marriage.”
Rt Rev Johnson Twinomujuni, Bishop, West Ankole Diocese stated that Pastor Bugingo’s declaration that the phrase ’till death do us part’ is not biblical, and that it is from Satan, undermines teachings not only of Pentecostal Churches but also the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches.
“Bugingo claims that he has read the Bible a number of times he is not even able to count! That in itself is an interesting claim, which I wish he were humble enough not to associate himself with. Even if it was true that he has read the Bible countless times, it would be prudent for him to know that it is one thing to read even several times, but another to understand,” Rt Rev Johnson Twinomujuni said.
Chaplain of St. Francis Chapel, Makerere University, Rev. Onesimus Asiimwe described Bugingo’s remarks on marriage as “heresy and a danger to your soul.”
His teaching is not honouring marriage, Rev. Onesimus Asiimwe said.
Rev. Onesimus said: “It is true that the Bible is silent on how marriage rites should be conducted, including making vows. It cannot be argued, however, that just because the Bible does not explicitly command vows to be made in a marriage that marriage vows are, therefore, wrong.”

Chaplain, St. Francis Chapel Makerere University. COURTESY PHOTO.
“God’s covenants include promises or vows. Since marriage is also a covenant, it includes vows – solemn vows to be faithful to one another in hard times as well as good times “until death do us part.” The vows are taken in the presence of witnesses, including a pastor or priest, and most importantly, in the presence of God. That’s why in our marriage service we say, “The vows you are about to make are to be made in the name of God, who is judge of all and who knows all the secrets of our hearts.” Rev. Onesimu said.
Contrary to Pastor Bugingo’s remarks, Rev. Onesimu urged that vows do not cause killing. He also spoke out against divorce saying “our God is a God of redemption, reconciliation, healing, and forgiveness.”
“Marriage vows do not cause couples to kill one another, as Pastor Bugingo has asserted. Sin is the cause of killing. Vows don’t kill; sinful human beings kill and it is wrong. Marriage vows are, in fact, good. Vows are what make us “promise-keepers” in our marriage relationship,” Rev. Onesimu said. “God hates divorce (Mal 2.16) because to break the covenant is to tear the one-flesh and undermine God’s redemptive plan in the world.”
“While it is true that “marital unfaithfulness” or sexual immorality can be a ground for divorce, if it happens, it comes as a regrettable consequence of an already defiled marriage, not as its approved remedy,” Rt Rev Johnson Twinomujuni said.
This development from Church of Uganda comes days since several Born-again Pastors punched holes into Bugingo’s theological analysis of marriage vows.
“In Eph. 5:25-33, Paul likens the marriage between a husband and wife to Christ’s relationship with the church, and commands the man to love his wife as Christ loves the church. When does Bugingo expect Christ to be separated with his ‘bride’ – the church?” Rt Rev Johnson Twinomujuni continued, solidifying his stance on “until death does up apart.”

“When Bugingo says that the marital vows are not in the Bible. Is this to indicate that for him every activity, phenomenon, invention, and venture ought to be stated in the Bible for it to be true, right, or acceptable?,” Rt Rev Johnson Twinomujuni went on.
“Should the Bible have stated in black and white: build cars, use computers, boil water before drinking it, form a political party, construct aeroplanes, make tarmac roads, establish hospitals, design smart phones, make jets, use treadmill and TRX bands for fitness, establish constitutions, set up universities, etc…so we know that doing such is biblical, and therefore acceptable?!,” he said.
Adding: “God created us in His image and gave us brains to use. In some aspects the Bible is specific and particular in accordance with both the immediate and wider contexts, but in other and actually most cases it states what is true or right in principle. What the Bible says in principle informs our conscience and so guides or facilitates our decisions and establishments.”
Bishop Twinomujuni asked Pastor Bugingo who asserts that marital vows came from Satan to provide irrefutable proof.