Church attendance linked with reduced suicide risk, especially for Catholics

Catholic Women during mass at the recent Namugongo Martyrs day celebrations. Photo: Catholic News Kampala Compared with women who never participated in religious services, women who attended any...

Catholic Women during mass at the recent Namugongo Martrys day ecelebrations. Photo by Catholic News Kampala
Catholic Women during mass at the recent Namugongo Martyrs day celebrations. Photo: Catholic News Kampala

Compared with women who never participated in religious services, women who attended any religious service once a week or more were five times less likely to commit suicide between 1996 and 2010, says a study published last week by JAMA Psychiatry.

Conducted from USA, in a study population made up of nurses and dominated by women who identified themselves as either Catholic or Protestant, the suicide rate observed was about half that for U.S. women as a whole. Of 89,708 participants aged 30 to 55, 36 committed suicide at some point over 15 years.

The women’s church attendance was not the only factor; which church they attended mattered as well. Protestant women who worshiped weekly at church were far less likely to take their own lives than were women who seldom or never attended services. But these same Protestant women were still seven times more likely to die by their own hand than were their devout Catholic sisters.

Among especially devout Catholic women — those in the pews more than once a week — suicides were a vanishing phenomenon. Among the 6,999 Catholic women who said they attended mass more than once a week, there was not a single suicide.

This team of researchers led by Tyler J. VanderWeele of Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health suggested that attendance at religious services is “a form of meaningful social participation” that buffers women against loneliness and isolation — both factors that are strongly implicated in depression and suicide.

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