The day is aimed at calling for greater involvement in efforts to share the gospel specifically with “those who have yet had no access to the gospel because of political or religious barriers, geographical location, or simple neglect.”
Come 20th May, 2018, Christians across the globe are set to take part in the International Day for the Unreached (IDU).
The event is championed by The Alliance for the Unreached, a group of like-minded ministries, each one passionate about taking the message of Jesus Christ to the farthest reaches of the globe.
The Alliance for the Unreached’s goal is to draw attention to the 2 billion-plus people around the world with no easy access to the gospel.
Having shared their message with more than 11 million people last year through social media, a Facebook event and other avenues, organizers are hoping to double their audience this year, according to a media statement.
“IDU is being celebrated on May 20 because it is Pentecost Sunday—the day when the Holy Spirit fell upon the early church, empowering members to take the good news to the ends of the earth,”
“The ‘unreached’ are those who have not yet had the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel,” the organizers told media. “We’re not talking about our friends, family, neighbors or co-workers who may not be Christians. These people are not unreached, because they have us. The truly unreached live in places where no one is there to tell them about Jesus.”
In USA, the organisation will hosted singer and American Idol finalist Phil Stacey. He will perform, and the 90-minute event will feature video reports from unreached missions workers around the world, updates from alliance leaders, and a panel discussion about the unreached challenge.
It will also be broadcast on media outlets in other countries, including parts of Kenya and Uganda.
Find the organisation’s latest report on global evangelism progress Here