“A true christian is supposed to take such a case to God, not to an earthly court. It is God Himself to judge His people,” partly reads one of multiple remarks fired at Christians seeking permission to sue Aloysious Bugingo, senior Pastor of House of prayer ministries Makerere, Kikoni – Kampala.
State aided newspaper, The New Vision on Monday published an article that said “two Christians have gone to the High Court for orders to allow them file a representative suit on behalf of other believers against a renowned Pentecostal pastor Aloysius Bujingo for allegedly violating their freedom to worship by burning several versions of the Holy Bible. ”
Aloysius Matovu Kizza and Francisco Evangelist Ssemugooma filed an application asking court to grant them permission to sue Bugingo on behalf of other Christians seeking damages for his unlawful actions.
“The law tells us to publish it in news articles on behalf of others to read and, now by end of this week, the main suit will be submitted to the registrar of courts at High court Kampala as well we serve the defendants.” Apollo Mukuwa, counterpart to the applicants said Tuesday.
Although it was not highlighted in the article whether they have evidence against the preacher, Aloysius Matovu Kizza and Francisco Evangelist Ssemugooma urge that Pr Bugingo ordered the collecting and burning of different versions of the Holy Bible written in different languages.
“It has been a very big task job to get signatures of believers, organizations and fellowships. Witnesses are so many. Evidences will be annexed. The word of God has to be defended.” Apollo Mukuwa said.
Despite the ongoing attempt, this application seems be dividing Christians on social media as each shares a different reaction to Aloysius Matovu Kizza and Francisco Evangelist Ssemugooma’s move against Pr Bugingo.
“Whether the bible were burnt or not the court is not the solution. We are giving a gap to the devil. Let us say he burned, why do not we forgive him and love him. Should we pay evil with evil. He did wrong but deserves to be forgiven.” One Christian remarked.
“1 Corinthians 6:1, If any of you have a dispute with another christian, how dare you go before heathen judges instead of letting God’s people settle the matter? Don’t we have the religious council to handle such a matter! However, its a crime for any person to destroy damage or defile any object which is held sacred by any class of persons.” a one Nseko Samson said.
Monday Julius said, ” I for one do believe that Pastor Bugingo is truly a messenger of GOD, but of late his attitude towards other pastors is disgusting. Is it truly in order for the man of God to stand on the pulpit, in the presence of hundreds of believers, and over his radio and TV sermons and launch personal attacks on them by calling them dogs, fools, thieves and other derogatory names? Then what kind of salvation is he bringing to this nation, the gospel of hatred?. I’m not judging him but this is the hard truth. Nevertheless taking him to court for burning the bible is an act of self a righteousness and absolutely un-necessary. God will deal with him if he ever burnt any bible.”
Pr Bugingo in April 2016 told his congregation that he was in no way associated to images that surfaced on social media of bibles being burnt . He urged that he could never do such a thing, hence had no attachment whatsoever to what media reporters alleged.
He denied all news stories that pinned him to burning bibles, however continued to condemn bible versions that interpret “Holy Spirit” as “Holy Ghost.”
This website later learnt that the preacher had a meeting with the team from National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC) in Uganda over the matter.
A press statement from the umbrella organisation dated 23rd April, 2017 revealed that Pr Bugingo accepted to corporate and assured the clergy that he is not going to pursue controversies attained to the bible independently.
“He willingly accepted our counsel on his concerns relating to bible translations, mutilations and language formation; That addressing issues of such magnitude and age-long original manuscript controversies can only be handled by a corporate body forum, and by specialized professional and scholarly expertise.” Pr John Lwere said.