On Thursday I was scanning the internet when I saw that one Makerere University Business School graduate, Basalirwa Abby Arthur took his own life following a conversation with his girlfriend that didn’t end well.
Many media outlets believe that the heated break up between the two prompted Basalirwa to “end it all”, after posting suicide notes on his Facebook time line and WhatsApp.
Although further analysis claims Basalirwa had probably been contemplating suicide for a while, his friends told the Daily Monitor that he was planning his marriage, after visiting his fiance’s parents at a traditional Kukyala ceremony.
“Ending it all” seemed to be the only answer. It isn’t.
Chrisian author Michael Katagaya known for his book, ‘Forearmed: Insights on Sex, Love and Relationships’ sent out his condolences to Basalirwa’s family.
He said individuals need to learn how to cultivate real and deep relationships “where our friends can talk to us about the deepest of issues, away from the giggling and drinking together.”
Ms Margaret Diana who is a mental health practitioner and the Executive Director of Apple Hidden Treasure Counselling – Kampala while reacting to the tragic incident said it could have be evaded.
“My plea to the public, if you suspect someone has suicidal tendencies, seek help immediately,” she said.
“Rejection is part of life.” Ms Rowena Nahurira advised.
“There’s always going to be a girl who wants to be with someone else. An employer who wants to hire someone else. A school which wants to admit someone else. A team which wants to recruit someone else. An investor who wants to fund someone else. We all can’t be chosen all the time. It’s life,” Nahurira said. “We need to raise our boys differently.”
“Life is more precious than having a girlfriend or boyfriend or even husband and wife, … Rip Author, but let’s learn to pick a positive leaf in every bad or negative situation. Personally I believe when one leaves, it’s God’s way of saving me from the worst. I become sad for a short time and live normal again. Committing suicide is just leaving pain to your loved ones,” Brenda Boo remarked.
Lumala Julius said: “Its real and painful, but we have to look beyond our troubles. Its not worth sacrificing yourself for someones else’s mistake. There are people out there who can make you wish you never knew anyone before in your life. You need to have hope and courage to wait until you meet that special person.”
Moses Mundeke, a Ugandan influencer said if one partner wants to end a relationship, they should be mindful of the other person’s feelings and that if both of you cannot end a relationship decently, “please seek help as soon as possible.”
” I know many will judge him because they have no ideal of what exactly depression is capable of doing in someone’s life. Depression is a silent killer and real, unfortunately most young people realize it when it’s late and eventually end up committing suicide,” Mundeke said.
All in all, there is only one real source of hope for a life that possesses meaning, fulfillment, and joy. That source is Jesus Christ.
Does God promise that you’ll never have any problem? No. But He does pledge to give you the power to face life’s trials with confidence, knowing that He will cause all things to work for your good.
He promises either to deliver you from afflictions, or give you the strength to endure them, according to His plan for you … a plan that begins with giving your life to Him.