By Our Reporter
An Australian Christian team of over 50 members has traversed the nation sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout several urban centres and villages since they landed last month.
The group is part of Australia’s Youth With A Mission (YWAM), an international Christian community committed to the great commission; seeking God for new ways to make Jesus Christ known through evangelism, training and mercy ministries.
Mr John Faull, leading the team, said they aimed at staging nine crusades, planting six churches, providing free medical clinic services and distributing three thousand bibles.
John Faull is a father of three daughters. He addressed believers at Miracle Centre Cathedra – Rubaga in Kampala on 5th December, saying he has lived in Uganda for 3 years, and traveled across Africa for many years for the sake of the gospel.
“My heart is here in Africa. I feel like Africa is in my blood. I love this country with all my heart. Africa you are a blessing. You are a gift to the nations,” he said.
“The season in which we are coming to, I believe we are going to see a shift, ” John Faull said. “The bible says we are going from strength to strength and glory to glory. We are not moving backwards, we are moving forward.
“For years many Missionaries have been coming here. But this is the word God put on my heart many years ago; it is now time for the people of this continent to begin to go to the nations,” he explained.

“What the enemy meant for evil, God turns it around and uses it for His glory. I know what you have been through, I have lived in this nation for many years. I know you have experienced much sickness and disease. But you have not been defeated. And God used it to teach you to walk in the miraculous. You have faced many witchdoctors, but have not been bewitched. But rather, God has given you authority over every work of the devil,” he added.
YWAM believes it is implicit in the gospel that everyone on earth has the basic right to hear and understand the message of Jesus Christ.
The evangelical organisation is committed to Christ’s command to preach the gospel and make disciples.
“The good news brings real transformation to lives, communities and nations. Therefore, our commitment to “make Him known” informs all that we do. We share the gospel in any way we can: publicly before crowds and one-on-one with individuals, near and far, in large cities and remote villages. We believe God can use all kinds of gifts and all kinds of strategies to bring hope to all kinds of people,” YWAM’s statement on their website read.
On December 4, John Faull expressed joy after seeing a young man, Timothy Bukenya who he had Shared the gospel with since 2011 get baptised.

John Faull said he learnt how to pray, and engage in spiritual warfare during his mission in Africa.
“God is calling you to be a baptiser of nations. We worship a God who is not dead,” he said.
Faull explained that muslims giving their lives to Christ is absolute evidence that Jesus is still doing miracles in this generation.

“God is calling us not to make disciples of just individuals, but also make disciples of nations,” Faull said. “It is time for the people of this continent to begin to go to the nation because what you carry is so unique, it is a gift to the nations.”