Our walk with Christ would be easy if everyone were highly motivated. But that’s like saying basketball would be simple if only everyone could dunk. Most of the time, reality intervenes.

Some are intrinsically motivated, many are not. Over the course of time, Christian radio program Beauty for Ashes hosted by Stella Aza – Madia on spirit FM 96.6 has become a great source of inspiration to thousands of Ugandans.
If you have no interests or goals. If you are ever moderately interested in something or lose interest once it becomes too hard, Stella Aza – Madia together with a long list of guests to the program will always have the right words with the wisdom of God to bring you back on board.
Founded in 2001, Beauty for Ashes runs on the theme of rescuing an endangered generation, going through silent frustrations. It airs weekdays focused on high voltage ministry of healing to the broken hearts, “based on ISAIAH 61:1-4”
Amazing news has reached our desk that Beauty for Ashes is giving out 1000 mp3s of the listeners’ favorite programs in 2015-2016 for free. This will all happen week beginning, on Saturday at fidodido auditorium in Kampala.
“This is a season of sowing into our destinies and celebration of the Lord’s faithfulness to us. Thank you so much 96.6 Spirit fm for giving back to Beauty for Ashes. Half of our radio air time this month has been cleared by Spirit FM 96.6 Kampala” wrote Stella