Drugs were a source he’d come to depend on. A place he went to get his needs met. But they were never enough; every day he came back for more.
Unknown to the Zambian gospel singer, none of the things he used or friends he went to would be compared to a friend like Jesus Christ. Only His unconditional acceptance, approval, and affirmation can fill the empty places in our hearts – the deepest thirst of our souls, as he now testifies.
Sobre is today one of Zambia’s most talented dance hall artist whose potential to make it big beyond the Zambian boarders has been evident. But before all this was, his journey started with dealing drugs at the age of 17 while still in high school.
Sobre was in Uganda for the Love Loud Rave concert at Kyadondo Rugby grounds and he did not hesitate sharing his testimony with media and fellow artist.
I come from a background of drug addiction, low self esteem and a broken home. I ended up running to the streets for love and affection. I however ended up finding it in the wrong places with the wrong people who I started abusing and selling drugs with.
We found love in all that stuff but it is at some point when I became so addicted and really wanted to let go that I couldn’t. I was addicted completely. I was later arrested for drug trafficking. Thankfully, we were forgiven and not taken to jail but this was after about five (5) days of serious interrogation. I was later in rehab, six months for marijuana addiction in 2010.
On returning home, I started to see a pastor who took me in his house and it was sort of a rehab for me still.
This pastor told me about God and this filled up the gap that I had from back home. After returning home, I however still felt the urge to go back to the club. And so, I went back but while I was drinking I felt a touch in my life. God touched me and I suddenly saw the reality of what was really going on.
It is then that I returned home and tuned into a Christian station – surprisingly, a repenters prayer was being given. And I said it amazingly while I was drunk. The next day I woke up with a hung over, yet saved. From then on, my life has never been the same.
Gospel music singer, Sobre.