None of us are immune from falling into difficult times. That plight is something we all have in common. Another thing we all have in common is the ability to choose how we are going to react to the difficult times when they come.
Will we allow them to destroy our hope for the future or will we decide to view them as a learning experience meant to help us as we continue to move forward with hope.
Wilson Bugembe has taken to social media points from his Sunday sermon. It is from this that he draws attention to the fact that in tough situations, it’s often easy for people to give up, especially when things look hopeless.
The preacher says that it is during this time – when we are under pressure that we make decisions that suck the life out of our future.
“The famine struck the city. The King didn’t know what to do. Mothers started to eat their children. (2 Kings 6:24-7:20). A child represents the future, It is frustrating when hunger causes people eat their future. Never let any type of hunger cause you to eat your future,” He says.
History is full of stories about people who came into hard times, lost hope, and gave up. We rarely come to learn what would have happened with these individuals if they had given up.
We are left to wonder what great successes these people might have achieved if they had chosen to hold on to hope. And how might they have gone on to shape our world for the better?
Bugembe says it’s okay to leave some groups, some people for the sake of your tomorrow. He says, quoting Genesis 39:12, sometimes you have to leave your jacket behind like Joseph for the sake of Tomorrow.
“Joseph was a poor man , am sure he missed his jacket sometimes. But he Never called Potiphar’s house. If you have ever been in an accident, prison, sickly or tough times. The devil wants you to think that you will see the same in your tomorrow, But tomorrow is not a repeat of yesterday’s failures. Don’t die before your future comes,”
“Paul said to those guys in the storm. No one will die. The ship may break but the lives will be saved (Acts 27). Am confident tomorrow, life will be better. Have the right attitude. You don’t have to steal, lie, or cheat. Tomorrow will be better in Jesus might name.” He concluded.