It’s wonderful when moms want to bring children to church and nurture their faith early enough.
Rosemary Jopaowitt, a worship leader and mother of two girls says she has no trouble breast feeding in church if her baby is hungry. She is however quick to add that this has to be done discreetly.
“Yes I would breastfeed the baby in church but, in a fairly non distracting area like at the back of the church.. This [breast milk] is the number one feed for a child and, I would not deny them that given all the benefits we have been taught that are in breastfeeding.” She states.
Jopaowitt says that unlike home, there are certain places where it really does make people uncomfortable. She emphasizes that one has to make sure they cover-up.
“Its not totally inappropriate, doing it indecently is,” she says “I breastfed in Church but, I strategically placed my self because I knew some believers have an issue with it.”
“The last thing one would want to do is be listening to a sermon and look over and see one’s private parts. If you need to do it, fine – but move out,” Fosta Igan, a husband and father of two says.
“It generally makes people uncomfortable … its most appropriate for one to move out. For public places in Japan and china for-example bus stations, they have rooms with curtains where one excuses oneself. In our culture you know how it is – once a woman’s breasts and private parts are out, she is naked already.” Fosta adds.
An online blogger, Mary Fischer published an article titled “5 Places Moms Need to Breast-feed Discreetly,” church was number 5 on the list.
She agrees that breastfeeding moms need to be able to nourish their children whenever and wherever they happen to be but, there really are a few places where it seems a bit out of place.
“Whether it’s purpose is to feed a baby or not — a boob is still a boob,” Mary Fischer writes “Sometimes it’s a little uncomfortable to see in certain situations. for that reason, while in places like; the pool, restaurant, airplanes, Kids’ sporting events, make it a point to be more discreet while breastfeeding .”