Christian couples acknowledge that the success and strength of marriage comes from knowing Jesus and allowing Him have the final word regarding any situation that they face in life . For many, the virtues and lessons the bible gives are powerful tools to create a harmonious and long lasting relationship.
It is also taught in churches that God intends believers to marry believers of the same faith and not unbelievers or people of a different faith, in order that they can move in the same direction.
It had been witnessed where Christians have married unbelievers, and it does not go well for the believer’s faith. They often end up turning away from God for their partner and in effect they are choosing their partner over God and putting them in the place of God. But, is this always the case?
While addressing Christians at the recent Red Sofa Sessions at Garden City – Kampala, born again Pastor Sarah L. Sseggane who serves with Omega International Ministries revealed at the start of the event that she is married to a Catholic .
The revelation left a number of individuals in the congregation mammering, moments later, Mrs Sseggane was tasked to share her view on inter-faith marriages in relation to 2 Corinthians 6:14.
I got married before I got saved, she stated, the bible does not allow me to divorce.
Pastor Sseggane was with panelists, Rev Canon Diana Nkesiga of All Saints Cathedral – Kampala and life coach, Pr Unia Kiima who explained that applying biblical principles to marriage gives one a stronger foundation
“I love Him and He loves me,” Pastor Sarah explained. “There is no reason why I should leave Him. And there is no scripture that says I should leave Him simply because I chose – or found Jesus and He has not yet,”
Pastor Sseggane first met the Lord in 1989 in high school and recommitted in 1998. Sarah was however not passionate about the things of God until she joined Omega Healing Centre in 2003.
While at Omega Sarah teamed up with her friend with whom they began a Friday fellowship. This was the beginning of a turning point in Sarah’s life. It is during these fellowships that the Lord clearly spoke to her about her call.
Bishop Patrick Makumbi of the International Healing Centre church, Lweza recently speaking during a live talk show on Spirit 96.6 FM explained that if one is married to someone of another faith and then starts following Jesus Christ, he/she should pray and confidently share the Gospel with the partner.
“You win evil by doing good. The best we can do if he is a catholic and you are born-again is to love him, pray for him. Every time He comes home, you do not judge him or condemn him, you do not give up on him. You share your faith with him. If you start backing and rejecting him, you will realize that that marriage will have no future at all,” he said.
“Pray that he remains alive. Your actions move a man and he will testify later. He will say; I did everything but my wife was there for me. People want to be helped. People want someone who can be patient with them, not someone who is going to judge you everyday,” he said.
Adding, “When we are doing certain things as men that are wrong, inside of us we are asking for grace from God to change, but transformation cannot occur if i have a partner or spouse in my life that keeps nagging you.”