Bishop Isaiah Mbuga, the founder of Christ’s Heart Ministries International has urged Christians not to fear ridicule and persecution for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Our kind, when you persecute us, we thrive,” the preacher says.
“I have been to schools where they chased me, and called police on me,” he said.
Bishop Mbuga was quick to note that persecution has not destroyed or sabotaged God’s plan for his people. He explained that even under the direst circumstances, it has not only survived but thrived and revived the church.
“The fellowships in those schools have never closed. Actually, I recently met one of the teachers who had called the police on me, and they were now born-again. everyplace where persecution has persisted on the body of Christ, something has happened along side it. There has been revival,” he said.
Bishop Mbuga reminded believers of the necessity for unity, harmony, humility and commitment in preaching.
“Friends, we have been sleeping for a very long time as the body of Christ. We only mind our own businesses. We are into battles that do not help us. We are wasting kingdom time, kingdom resources, kingdom money on things that are not driving the kingdom of God forward – and as a result, the enemy comes in while we are asleep and distracted to sow tares,” he said, quoting Matthew 13:24-30.
Bishop Isaiah Mbuga also urged that many have been commissioned “at such a time when wickedness has increased in the land” to bring comfort.
“Don’t take a break from Jesus. There are people who are eager and ready to do the things we fear to do. You have been equipped with this treasure to bear the fruit God desires you to produce. You carry divine enablement. The outstanding ability of God’s power is of God, not of us. It is God’s power working in us,” he said.
Adding, “Whatever is happening now, is as a result of the working of God in his desired time and ability. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with how much I have prayed. Yes, I have had hands laid on me to bring me to a certain place but I want you to know that the excellence of the power is not mine, but of God. And the more I reminded, the humbler i become. The gifts of the Spirit are not for personal use, but to profit all.”
By UG Christian News Correspondent.