Dr Bishop Joshua Lwere, the senior pastor of Grace Assembly Church, Kampala and consecrated Overseer of the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBPC) in Uganda, together with Dr Ms. Jennifer Musisi, the executive director of the Kampala Capital City Authority have been awarded an honorary doctoral degree in Humanities – Philosophiae Doctor (Honoris Causa) of the United Graduate College and Seminary based in Jonesborough, Tennessee, USA.
The ceremony was presided over by Prof Clyde Rivers (Ph.D), Prof Arch. Bishop Arthur Kitonga, Prof Nathan Kahara and Prof Bonny Katatumba (Ph.D) at the Kampala Serena Hotel on 25 January 2016.
Recipients of honorary doctorate degrees do not earn the degree through academic achievements, rather with generous and altruistic actions or lifetime accomplishments that benefit a community, nation or humanity in general.
Some schools allow candidates to apply for consideration for the degree, while others require nomination by a third party. Each university that confers honorary degrees establishes its own criteria for acceptance.
Among the awardees also included; Dr Mayur Muljibhai Madhvani, Dr Andrew Kasirye, Dr Joseph N. Biribonwa, Dr Margaret Sekidde, Dr Kellen Kayonga, Dr Apollo Mutungi, Dr Aneez Bandali Jaffer, Dr Elly Twineyo Kamugisha, Dr Kin Kariisa, Dr Merian Kyomugisha Sebunya and Dr Jeff Jeng Liang Lin. More details Here
UG Christian News takes this opportunity to congratulate all the recipients to the award.