In the prosperity gospel, the believer is told to use God. Prosperity theology sees the Holy Spirit as a power to be put to use for whatever the believer wills.
While widely denounced in most Christian circles, prosperity gospel has been known to be preached among some megachurch pastors and televangelists across Uganda.
In a question-and-answer column published on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website on Wednesday, Graham was asked whether God wants people to be wealthy.
The Bible doesn’t say that being a faithful Christian will lead to material wealth, responded Rev. Billy Graham urging that the Bible doesn’t promise that everyone who follows Jesus will become wealthy,” as Jesus Himself was not a rich man.”
“Does God want everyone to be rich? I heard someone on TV claim that this is what the Bible teaches, but I wonder if it’s true,” the reader asked Graham. “We struggle every month just to pay our bills, and yet my husband and I have always tried to put God first.”
“Jesus wasn’t rich, nor were His first disciples — not at all. In fact, the only disciple who really cared about money was Judas, whose greed and unbelief caused him to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver,” wrote Graham.
“Repeatedly the Bible warns us against being consumed by money, or placing it first in our lives instead of Christ. Jesus said, ‘No one can serve two masters. … You cannot serve both God and money’ (Matthew 6:24).”
Graham says that the better wealth is a spiritual nature, noting that “when we know Christ we are rich — not necessarily with this world’s goods, but with spiritual riches!”
“Think of it a moment. Can anything this world offers be greater than God’s forgiveness? Can anything be greater than Christ’s presence with us every day?” Graham asked.
“Can anything be greater than the privilege of prayer, or being part of Christ’s family, or being used to bless others?”