Dr Kizza Besigye has in his Easter message urged Ugandans to take a leaf from the life and Ministry of Jesus Christ.
He has warned of the prophetic fulfillment of Matthew 24:12, saying that the love of many Christians has grown cold.
The former presidential candidate has said although Christians are commanded to love God, and to love one’s neighbour as you love yourself, “in Uganda this remains totally elusive.”
“We’ve, instead, abused and violated each other; besieged the vulnerable; enslaved the poor; attacked and harmed the defenseless and deprived the needy,” he said on Saturday.
Dr Besigye quoted John 1:29 which says; Look! The lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and explained, “Jesus’ resurrection is the celebration of victory over pain, betrayal, sin and death but importantly triumph of good over evil. Essentially, Easter is commemoration of fulfilled promise/prophesy, sacrifice, survival, redemption, faith, spirituality and eternal destiny.”
He said Ugandans are celebrating Easter amid in crisis in several spheres.
“I recognise that we are celebrating Easter when many parents are worried their sons and daughters may be dismissed from schools/universities for lack of school fees; some citizens may die for lack of proper medical care or get stuck in medical facilities for lack of money to pay for treatment; others will be victims of needless road accidents; some people will be evicted from their rented homes for lack of money to rent; and some others will lose their property to commercial banks or money lenders for failure to pay loans etc,” he said.
As the people of Uganda struggle for a just system, they should get inspiration from the life and Ministry of Jesus Christ, Besigye said.
“It’s sacrifice and endurance that will eventually bring triumph. Now is the time for leaders to step up; to comfort and guide the people on how to appropriately respond to the Judas’ of our times; and to overcome the emmense challenges before them,” he added.