I have read reports from several sites that revealed Bad Black’s decision to begin a Church. I was struck that there were several articles and blog entries fairly high up in the google rankings that were very critical of her decision.
In the result and comment sections were a few thumbs up, with more things like “she should step down in advance…she should give up her dream…she should repent” that sort of stuff. So I decided to read some of them to see what the hubbub was about exactly.
Someone talked about how “pornographic” and “indecent” she is. Hmm, now that’s serious.
Many genuinely have a long list of reasons as to why Bad Black, real name Shanita Namuyimbwa should not think about Pastoral ministry.
Between me and you, if not for the Grace of God, who is qualified to shepherd the flock of God? Who is qualified to lead the church? Many have this idea that if you aren’t like me or the other cool preacher, you aren’t fit for ministry.
We’ve all read the bible and are continuously humbled and blown away considering how God calls those He wills to ministry, how He finds them and how He shapes them to accomplish tasks impossible to canal men.
Many preaches have been through mess, which today is the testimony of their powerful message. Some don’t actually look like what they have been through.
The mother of one took to social media recently saying that she will in March next year launch her Church Ministry Project, World Healing International Ministry in Bugolobi.
“It is near completion and I am inviting you to always attend my services,” she told reporters during an interview this week.
When reporters asked direct questions that point a finger at her controversial lifestyle, she said; You see in this world there are many temptations, that is why I am also tempted to drink. Even Jesus, the son of God, was tempted, so who am I? Even the Bible says that do not rejoice my enemy for my fall, because my God will uplift me again. I know God forgives me because his mercy is new every day.
True we fall, but where we can avoid the fall and temptation, thank God.
Many of us come into ministry young and unprepared; we are encouraged that it is all going to be alright, as long as we are willing to learn and draw close to God for instruction and guidance.
I don’t know if any church leaders or devoted believers have approached her to really hear her heart out, and see how they can guide her through this. She should have a local church standing with her in such ministry endeavors.
My point is, the New Testament model of ministry training follows the teacher/learner model.
Mark 3:14 recounts the Savior’s method: “Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach.”
The follower gains knowledge and wisdom from the life of his mentor, as well as through formal instruction. This is ‘on job’ preparation/training, a mode of being equipped in the word for believers who mature while at the pulpit.
Observing ministry in real life, and interacting with true shepherds in their work, creates a fertile ground for growing real leadership. Bad Black can do this if she is serious about it.
She withdrew from singing gosple music a few months after publicly declaring that she is releasing a hot new single when out of Jail. Shanitah said that she felt that music was not what she is called to do, adding that what much she invested, gained no returns.
Shanitah has to note that Pastoral ministry goes beyond self – it is life sold out. God needs nothing from us, but to to present your bodies as a living sacrifice. These are spiritual matters that cannot be turned comedy.
Desiring to become a church leader is desiring to be at the front line of the battle field – not yours alone, but for those you are leading to.
As Jesus was with the disciples, this is God’s way for fitting men for ministry and passing on the mantle of servant leadership. However, churches can only train faithful willing people, 2 Timothy 2:2.
Many impatiently go out into the work without being trained or being sent. This typically results in their own sorrow and the detriment of those who follow them.
Paul tells us it is a commendable thing if a man desires the work of an overseer (1 Timothy 3:1).
You do not need to be ordained or have a divinity degree to become a pastor or church overseer in a local congregation; however, you are advised to pursue this knowledge and be recognized as such by your congregation – Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth..
She said he turned to counselling celebrities, adding that they go through a lot more that we can fathom.
“Because I am very busy with other assignments. I mostly counsel party animals and celebrities, such as musicians. Those people have a lot more problems than the lay people.”
It is our experience that you cannot build the ministry until you build the man.
Young and up-and-coming pastors, to take the place of a learner with Christian leaders you respect and desires to emulate.
Don’t be afraid to say what is on your heart and avoid irrelevancies and controversies that have no basis in scripture. Don’t allow yourself to be imprisoned. Stay free and keep bringing Christ into the areas of life He needs to be brought into. Be bold, be strong, and be real.
I say this as a brother and shepherd among the Lord’s people.
Remember Paul’s words concerning the proof of Timothy’s ministry in Philippians 2:22: “But you know his proven character, that, as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel.”
What was the proof of his character? It was his willingness to be taught and to serve under mentoring leaders over time.
When pastors and elders diligently set about the work of training leaders for His church, and men driven by godly ambition earnestly submit and follow, the result is the edification of the church, the spread of the gospel, the planting of new churches, unto the increasing glory of God.