USA – Washington state attorney general has officially shut down a website that claimed to offer Christian prayers in exchange for cash.
The site was billed as a sort of online church, offering prayers with a price tag between $9 and $35.
The website management according to the court ruling will have to pay back as much as $7.75 million to victims of the scam. Media reports indicate that Benjamin Rogovy ‘preyed’ on about 165,000 unsuspecting victims.
“I believe in the power of prayer,” said Attorney General Bob Ferguson to CBN. “What I do not believe in and what I will not tolerate is unlawful businesses that prey upon people — taking advantage of their faith or their need for help — in order to make a quick buck,”
By April 8, customers who purchased prayers from Christian Prayer Center or Oracion Cristiana, the Spanish-language sister-site, between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2015, will receive an email from CPC alerting them to file a complaint to receive a refund. To be eligible, they must file by June 12.