Archbishop Stanley Ntagali warns youth against early sex and contraceptive usage

File Photo – Archbishop Stanley Ntagali. Archbishop Stanley Ntagali has warned the youth against early sex and use of contraceptives saying that these acts have permanent side effects...

File Photo – Archbishop Stanley Ntagali.

Archbishop Stanley Ntagali has warned the youth against early sex and use of contraceptives saying that these acts have permanent side effects that many  will regret.

The Archbishop was speaking at Nyabirerema Church of Uganda in Rukiga County, Kabale District on Monday, where  he  has  embarked  on a one-week pastoral visit to the Diocese of Kigezi.

In Uganda, the initiation of sexual activity is reported to start as early as 10-14 years of age with a mean of 15 years. Most adolescents’ sexual activity is unprotected resulting in a far-reaching health, social, demographic and pregnancies, and unsafe abortions.

Given the relatively high levels of knowledge of contraceptives among women, use of contraceptives are  relatively higher among young, unmarried women.

At the same occasion, the  Archbishop urged the government to investigate allegations that homosexuality has penetrated primary schools in Uganda.

He said that the Church of Uganda cannot accept such acts in schools and the country because they are aimed at promoting moral decadence.

“There is information that those taking homosexuality to primary schools disguise themselves as donors that offer academic sponsorship. Parents should say no to such dirty sponsorship and government should quickly intervene to save the children from such immoral acts,” he stated.

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