Apostle Kurungi Joshua Ham, the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Tabernacle.
Speaking during a live video broadcast on Facebook recently, the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Tabernacle in Buwaate Apostle Kurungi Joshua Ham stated that once you become born-again, it is “by the Spirit of God that we receive the first revelation of the Christ.”
Apostle Kurungi said it is crucial for Christians to understand that there’s a difference between “Jesus received and Christ revealed.”
“Religion will paint a picture of Jesus for you. Religion will want you to wear Him on your chest. Religion will want you to get this kind of attachment to a man of history. The man we are celebrating is not a man of history. Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). We are celebrating Alpha and Omega (Revelation 22:13). We are celebrating the Christ, the anointed one, and His anointing,” he continued.
When Jesus began His public ministry, Apostle Kurungi noted how scriptures show that only a few recognized Him for who He was, despite overwhelming evidence that He possessed an anointing from God that far surpassed that which had rested on any other man.
“Christ is not understood,” Apostle Kurungi said. “Christ is revealed. God must anoint your spirit with revelation if you will know the Christ. In the Gospels, many times Jesus appeared unto man and even asked his disciples; who do men say that I am? Even in his time, people did not know that He was the Christ. In Matthew 16:14, they replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” Jesus asked his disciples. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.””
Through Matthew 16, Apostle Kurungi says Peter declared that Jesus was the Christos, the Mashiach, the Anointed One. He urges that it was not something that he [Peter] had discerned by his own ability.
“What changes the trajectory of your Christian faith is when you get a personal revelation, not just of Jesus, but of the Christ. There’s too much religion about Jesus. But revelation comes when you zero in to understand the Spirit of Christ,” Apostle Kurungi said.
Kurungi, who is Founder and President of Kingdom Empowerment International (KEI) Ministries, urged that when we focus on ‘Christ revealed’, three things are manifested.
“Firstly, the revelation of Christ to us. Secondly, the revelation of Christ in us. The Christ in me is the one that awakens my spiritual senses to what is happening around me… This is where Paul says; for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day (2 Timothy 1:12). Paul had moved from Christ receive. Paul was now in Christ in me, Christ established in me. In Galatians 4:19, he [Paul] cries out saying; I pray for you as a woman in childbirth, that Christ be established in you. Thirdly, the revelation of Christ through us. This is where I’m not just carrying the light, I have become the light. I’m not just carrying the way in me. I have began to show people the way.)” Apostle Kurungi said.
“The resurrection of Christ is so that He may be seen through you. We do not know you by the seed, but we know you by the fruit. Jesus said, We shall know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20). Understand that fruit is not the work of the tree. Fruit is the product of what is established in the tree. Once we have truth established enough in us, it will not be comfortable staying in us, it will want to come out. And once it begins to come out, guess what’s happening? Fruit is coming up. And once fruit is coming up, then guess what? We shall know what that tree is,” he said.
“Jesus is the life. Life is not breathing. Life is truth being made manifest. Life is purpose. Life is when a man begins to do the things that where apportion to his days, the psalmist said, Lord, teach me to number my days that I may add wisdom to them. What is he saying? He’s saying I wasn’t born just to be alive. I was born with some divine purposes. I was born with some divine assignments,” he said.
Apostle Kurungi, whose Ministry vision is to raise a new generation of Kingdom minded leaders that are grounded in the word, fervent in prayer, passionate about worship and walking in their giftings and callings in Christ, urged that one Word from God can trigger the activation of His purposes in one’s life.
He noted that two other major ways Christ is revealed to Christians is through His Word and visions.
He said, “As you read the word, Christ is revealed to you… Jeremiah used to say; The word of the LORD came to me ( Jeremiah 1:4). What he was saying is, I got a revelation of the Word. That was Christ pre-incarnate. If that happened to the Old Testament men, it has to happen to us in this season.”
“The Bible says that he appeared unto Paul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). Paul never forgot that encounter,” Apostle Kurungi said.