Apostle John Bunjo has added his voice to countless gospel ministers who have raised concern over the exponential rise in false doctrine often referred to as the “Doctrine of Accommodation” in Churches today.
He was addressing believers and Pastors at Praise Cathedral – Ntinda where hundreds gathered on Tuesday to pay tribute to fallen USA based Ugandan Pastor, Charles Bagenda.
Ap John Bunjo urged Christian ministers to preach the truth as revealed in the Word of God rather than share self-centered teaching aimed at making money and giving pleasure to listeners.
“There is a lot of new doctrine today, let us keep the faith. I define ‘race’ as the purpose and will of God for your life. Some people have altered the race to other things. Pastors who are here, I want to charge you in the name of the Lord, let us stick to the race. Let us run, whether there is money, or no money. Let us finish the race, and do so by winning so many people to Christ, helping so many orphans and the vulnerable,” he said.
John Bunjo warned that some get too busy ministering to others and neglect their own families. He also used 1 Timothy 6:12 to encourage unmarried Christians not to give in to temptation.
“Have you fought a good fight of raising your children in the ways of the Lord. Parents, fight a good fight. Don’t neglect your children. Husbands fight a good fight, keep your family with all vigour. Singles fight a good fight, I know it is not easy – fight a good fight to resist every temptation,” he said.
“You have today and it’s the best day. Everyone of us has a morning. When you are still alive, it is your morning. It is your morning that will make a better evening, which represents a time of departure. What will they say when you have departed? Jesus is coming back, and at that time, nothing you see today will make sense, the cars, big houses,” he explained.
Adding, “As we are still in our morning, let us use it. If you are a musician, use your morning. Pastors, apostles use your morning for the glory of God. When Paul says; have faith, he talks about ‘doctrine’. He says; I have not gone round about, I have kept the faith. I have kept the principles as they originally were from Christ.”