“Do not believe lies. That is fake news. I am not sick and I am not in Hospital,” he said.
Rumors concerning Mitala’s health were reported by several sources earlier yesterday, following one renown preacher’s seemingly misinformed message on Facebook.
“I am very fine and busy serving God’s people here in Uganda,” Apostle Alex Mitala posted on His official Facebook account.
Mitala was general overseer of the strong National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda for 9 years between 2003 to 2013.
He is also the founder of Back to the Bible Truth Evangelistic Mission (BBT Mission) the parent organization for Fishers of Men Perfecting School of Ministry (FOMPSOM), the Glory of Virginity Movement (GLOVIMO), Good Samaritan centers and the Kingdom farms among other ministries.
Through BBT Mission, over 300 churches have been planted to date in East Africa and over 2,000 orphans and needy children have been taken care of through Good Samaritan schools by providing free education, meals and medication.