Andrew and Jamie Wommack. PHOTO/COURTESY.
Well-known Bible teacher and author Andrew Wommack whose ministry has distributed millions of free teaching materials globally, says his son miraculously came back to life after being pronounced dead.
Hosted by Dr. Steve Greene on the Charisma Podcast Network, Andrew Wommack explained during the interview published 19, April, 2021 that when his son lay dead in the hospital morgue in 2001, together with his wife, how they responded to the tragic incident made all the difference: confidence in God.
“I’ve got a confidence in the Lord that is way beyond me and my performance,” Wommack told Dr. Steve Greene.
That confidence, Andrew Wommack explained further, must be tied to a firm foundation of faith: “Without faith, it is impossible to please God, for He who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).
“My son died in 2001, on March 4, and he was dead for between four and five hours,” The 72-year-old recalled. “And he was in a hospital; they had stripped him naked, put a toe tag on him, put him in the morgue on a slab. And then they called me to tell me what happened.”
“And my wife and I just spoke our faith and agreed,” he said. “And we had such confidence that my son, who had been dead for over four hours, just sat up and started talking, and has no brain damage today.”
“I believe that that is a part of confidence,” Wommack said. “There are a lot of people who believe God can do those things. But they just kind of ask, ‘God, will You do this?’ And then they wait to see how things work out to discern whether God’s going to answer or not.”
“But I knew that God was answering that prayer,” Wommack said. “And that’s confidence.
The Charis Bible College founder and host of Gospel Truth radio and television program noted that this miracle transformed his life and the lives of many other people. He encouraged Christians who feel “unworthy, convicted or condemned” to purge their conscience, and have faith in God and His Word.
“God did not tell Adam and Eve they were naked. And, there is no indication that the devil told them they were naked. I believe it was their own conscience that condemned them,” Andrew Wommack said.
“A lot of times people just think that if they feel convicted or condemned, like they’re unworthy, that it’s God. And yet that’s not the case. The truth is we aren’t worthy ourselves, but through Jesus we are. It’s all about who you are in Christ,” he continued.
“When I began to realize that there was a part of me that I couldn’t see in the mirror, I could feel in my emotions, I had to look at the Bible and just take what it says about me, that I’m a new person, old things have passed away and all things have become new. When I began to deal with myself and change my identity, that set me free from condemnation. And so, you must purge your conscience, and you need to understand that you are delivered from the curse of the law because Christ was made a curse for us.”
“Understanding that the Old Testament law is not dominating me today, it led me to Jesus. Once I come to Jesus, I’m no longer under the condemnation of the old law. Those things are what purged my conscience and allowed me to start having a new relationship with the Lord,” he said.
For more from Andrew Wommack, listen to the entire episode of Greenelines at this link.