As the new month unfolds, Amazing Grace Faith Church’s 5th year of successful ministry celebrations are in high gear.
Married to Irene Muhumuza, Apostle Anthony Muhumuza, the founder and senior Pastor of Amazing Grace Faith Church will, with all Church members gather on Sunday, 3rd July 2016 to celebrate several remarkable achievements that have come to pass because of the goodness of the Lord.
Much has changed since Amazing Grace Faith Church formed back in 2011, and one can not deny the monumental strides achieved.
The mission of the church is to establish people in their God given assignments through preaching and teaching the word of God.
The celebrations will run under the theme ‘Unquestionable Dominion’ at Imperial Royale Hotel Kampala from 3pm, free entry.
“Experience God’s power, anointed worship, word, prophecy and miracles. There is a level of power you are entering and your enemies bow,” Remarked Apostle Anthony Muhumuza.