Nigerian gospel minister Ada Ehi has said she “very strongly” believes that “there is a move coming out of Uganda.”
Speaking to media reporters Thursday at the Media Plaza, headquarters to Spirit TV Uganda, in Kampala, Uganda’s capital, Ada Ehi urged that she is here as “a forerunner to herald that move.’
“It is left for you to step into that move as a nation, as a people, as individuals and as ministers,” she said.
“Do not come as a fan, come expectant and hungry. Come as a child of God. Come as somebody that God has made provisions for. Yes, he came meet you where you are, but there is something unique about corporate anointing. There is something unique about ‘a specific place, a specific time and a specific impartation’.” she continued.
The ‘Only Jesus’ hit singer will minister live at Lugogo Hockey Grounds in Kampala, on 11th November 2022 and at Kakyeka stadium in Mbarara on Saturday 12th of November, 2022.
Her Full Speech at the Presser

“Thank you so much for this warm welcome. It is such an honor to be here in the name of Jesus.
It is always amazing to see what the Lord can do. As for tomorrow, I know it is a set time.
There was such a huge impression on my spirit for Uganda. As I was making preparations, looking at the program, one my very esteemed colleague, and minister, called me and gave me a word for Uganda.
Yesterday morning I was praying with my prayer group, and there was that same huge impression on the ladies. Another confirmation came. The Lord has been speaking, and so, this is beyond a concert.
We are expecting the mighty move of God’s Spirit. And you know, when the Lord wants to do something, he first causes the people to gather.
Whenever He wants to move or when there is a corporate release, He causes the people to gather. So, if you believe you are part of God’s army, that you are a game player in this end time move, and that you have a stake in the move of God, Lugogo Hockey grounds is where you should be tomorrow. There will be an outpouring.
People often ask, “what are you expecting?” If we knew what was going to happen, then it is not God.
I don’t know your heart cry but, God can wipe away long-time tears. I don’t know what that means for everyone attending, but it is only the Spirit of God that knows everyone, and can be to everyone what each one requires…
I believe very strongly that there is a move coming out of Uganda. So, I am just here as a forerunner to herald that move. It is left for you to step into that move as a nation, as a people, as individuals and as ministers.
I’m very excited about tomorrow, and you know, when the presence of the Lord is manifest, the miraculous is inevitable, because He is God.
Do not come as a fun, come expectant and hungry. Come as a child of God. Come as somebody that God has made provisions for. Yes, He came meet you where you are, but there is something unique about corporate anointing. There is something unique about ‘a specific place, a specific time and a specific impartation.’
I am so happy and excited to be here. I’m just one of His many soldiers. So, it is an honor to be here and to bring you the Word of God.”