A report from The Africa Center for Apologetics Research (ACFAR) on Prophet Mbonye’s book, “Tasting the Powers of the Age to Come” has sparked argument among Christians.
Author of this report, Rodgers Atwebembeire who is the organisation’s regional Director, Eastern Africa, says Prophet Mbonye during his writing made blasphemous statements, used a man-centered philosophy and interpreted the Bible out of context to suit his preconceived notions.
The book
Published June 2012, Prophet Mbonye described the book as an extraordinary resource that can awaken one’s awareness to the eternal element of life, always present, yet rarely witnessed.
He added that through the ages, “the mass of humanity have lost this underlying factor – the validity of God, of angels, of visions and of dreams in their lives and presently, know not how to find it.”
“The majority thus are clinging with trembling hands to inherited, or at best, learned beliefs and conducts. Through the pages of this book, however, ageless mysteries are unveiled, and as you open yourself to them, extraordinary capacities will begin to blossom, of perception, creativity, and intuition, translating your experience beyond the mundane and ordinary to a life of abiding, rather than passing or momentary fulfillment,”
“As a guide to this transcendent realm, Elvis Mbonye’s power lies not in his skillful ability to make the abstract concrete, or provide useful exposition. Rather, his power is seated in his personal experience, as one who knows. As a result, there is authentic, transforming power behind the words you will read in this book, transmuting you into the experience of the powers of age to come, in this Age,” a description attached to the book reads.
The Report in Part
Rodgers Atwebembeire through the new report says “Tasting the Powers of the Age to Come” focuses more on the author’s experiences than on independent evidence of truth revealed in Scripture.
He adds that according to Prophet Mbonye, what you experience becomes the standard by which you measure truth—regardless of whether it is consistent with what God has previously revealed.
“Although he mentions God often, there is no doubt that according to Mbonye, man is self-contained and has everything within him to decide and determine his destiny as long as he knows how to tap his hidden divine potential. Indeed, Mbonye sees man as a kind of super-man, capable of taking full charge of his life and destiny and almost without need for God,” says Atwebembeire.
“Mbonye goes on to make truly blasphemous statements. For example, on p. 80 he claims an unbiblical degree of oneness—almost sameness—with God: “My spirit, you see, is so mingled with God’s that they have become an entity. The result of this union is that I can’t help but think what He thinks, feel what He feels, and experience what He experiences,” he continues.
“On p. 23 Mbonye uses selective citing when he quotes 1 Corinthians 12:1 to claim that all Christians can prophesy, but disregards the fundamental rule that Scripture interprets Scripture. For instance, from 1 Corinthians 12:29–30 in the same passage we learn that believers have been given different gifts by the same Spirit and do not necessarily all have the same gifts. Paul asks: “Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?” The answer is no,” Atwebembeire, who is also a Pastor at New City Community Church, Lubowa, Entebbe states.
“Biblical prophets spoke God’s word and did not need to defend it because it was consistent with what other earlier prophets had said and could be proven both in its fulfillment and from other biblical writings. Mbonye’s prophecies, dreams, and revelations cannot be tested objectively, unlike those of biblical prophets,” he maintains.
“This should serve a wake-up call for the church and all those involved in God’s service to train their followers to discern the spirit behind such writings and to abstain from every form of evil (1 Thess. 5:21–22),” he says.
Christian’s reaction to the report
ACFAR’s report has generated mixed reactions from readers with some supporting the analysis as authentic and righteous judgement. Critics on the other hand, urge that the analysis was biased for they already doubted the person in subject.
Moses Muhanguzi said: “True. The bible warns of many false prophets and teachers. Ye shall judge them by their fruit. Prophecy must stand the test of time, purpose directing worship only to God, warning king and subject of sin and call to repent and must have scriptural base.”
“Preach Christ to people – People need God not your criticisms about men of God – We want to see the move of God again in the body and you are here just on criticism…. We want to know God and walk in Him fully,” Taremwa Seth Elisha said.
James Makere who had the opportunity to read the book said: “New age movement bases itself on a book called “a course in miracles” that is the new age “bible.” It’s literally impossible to be new age and not mention either the book or statements from it, just like its impossible to be christian and not mention the bible or anything in it. New age does not believe in sin, evil or a devil. And the course of miracles calls the journey to the cross “the last [useless] journey”. Oprah winfrey is a proven advocate o .new age. Reading this man’s book however none of these core issues are brought out.”
“You guys are jokers. Your arguments hold no water: you are to use your argument also selective in your scriptures.Your constant reference to past prophets of the Bible means that you don’t believe in modern prophets – When Jesus [said] greater works you will do, He didn’t mean quantity only – my God you are blasphemous – if you don’t acknowledge His calling it’s okay [but] don’t be found fighting,” Violah Balson said.
By Staff Writer.