The Abigail Conference has kicked off this weekend by revealing how God raised up a number of women to make an impact for His kingdom, and how each displayed the traits of obedience, submissiveness, prayer, and worship even in difficult circumstances.
Hosted by Apostle John Bungo who heads Christian Restoration Ministries International, the conference rallied Christian women to return to their prayer closets if they are to achieve solutions to key issues affecting among others marriages, children, families and ministries in the country today.
God was intimately involved in Abigail’s life, orchestrating and unfolding His Kingdom purposes, just as He is today, if we but seek and follow, Mrs. Najjuma Christine Ssegawa, one of the key speakers at the conference venued at Mukisa Arcade 3rd floor William street – Kampala told the congregation on Saturday.
Mrs. Najjuma Christine Ssegawa presented key passages from Eph 5:14, and urged women to wake up from their slumber and shine for Christ.
She said, “Women were created to solve problems and birth solutions out of prayer. This is the mandate God is calling us too. We will cry out to Him until He makes a way. We are the Anna and Abigail of this generation. Let us return to our prayer stations – know your identity.”
Mrs. Najjuma made reference to the commitment to prayer displayed by prophet Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher even at the age of 84 (Luke 2:36–38). She was also quick to detail the relevance of the Holy Spirit in their mandate to God.
“Anna was not like most women of her time. She chose a different path,” Mrs. Najjuma said. “She chose to serve the Lord. She chose to fast and pray, worshiping the Lord day and night. She chose to share her faith to as many people as she could,” he continued.
“Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit. He will enable us and give us the victory. It is the Holy Spirit that will bring us out of this slumber. Let us embrace, rely and depend on Him,” she said.
In his remarks, Apostle John Bunjo told the women this is their season to dream again.
He also encouraged them to listen to the new ministry online station, Voice of Restoration Radio.
By Staff Writer.