I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the surety of a better covenant, and the hope of eternal glory.
Today, there is no doubt we live in challenging times due to COVID-19. The world is under the subjugation of a dominant spirit attacking social, economic, health, and political systems. As a result of the coronavirus’s surge against nations, governments, to acquire a controlled global economy, will go through periods of austerity, financial institutions will undergo a credit crunch, there will be a period of depression in some nations, business ownership and small businesses will face a downturn, companies will lay off employees leading to a slump in the economy, and lastly, funding will come to a halt in some large international organizations that impact millions of marginalized and disadvantaged people around the world. After this difficult period of negative economy, companies, governments, financial institutions, and small businesses will reacquire buoyancy by mid- 2021.
This orientation will cause intrigue and concern about what happens next for every individual. Many people will go through a life of depression and discouragement around the world. While all that is stated sounds covertly constricting possibilities for people today, the answer lies deeper in what l am about to reveal by the grace of God.
Don’t be discouraged, God has a way forward for restoration. In the coming months of 2020, every life will develop a very significant purpose. What you hear and read will shape the establishment of your belief, direct action to problem-solving, and create a results-oriented life. In the coming months, this is not the time to be self-directed but, rather, the time to be aligned and positioned with the Word of God. The urgency of seeking God in His Word will shape possibilities immensely in this difficult time around the world. Put yourself in a position where you receive wisdom and knowledge through the Word of God at this difficult time. As a result, you will flourish more this year by the grace of God. In the spiritual realm, rather than acknowledge the limitations of the current times, faith in the Word of the Most High God will advance in full supply in the seasons ahead.
Months and Seasons in 2020
May-July (Sowing and Praying Season)
In the season of sowing and planting, The Lord says “don’t be discouraged about what you hear, what report you receive, and what you see in the physical realm.” In the months of May-July, those who receive the seed sown through the Word of God will start the journey towards growing grass in the field.
Luke 8:11
Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God (NKJV)
There is no harvest without a seed. How should one sow in this season? First, be present in the Word of God which is the seed. Second, apply the Word of God in earnest continuous prayer based on your needs during this season. This time as the seed is sown, ask (pray). The heavens will supply. Don’t limit God, the supply is coming, and don’t take your eyes off the Supplier, Jesus Christ, who lives in the Word of God. The Word of God will fulfill every need; however, one must be present in the Word of God to be able to receive.
James 5: 18
And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit (NKJV)
Hosea 6:3
Let us know,
Let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD.
His going forth is established as the morning;
He will come to us like the rain,
Like the latter and former rain to the earth (NKJV)
August-October (Watering and an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Season)
In the season of watering and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, hold on to the promise from the Word of God. The Word of God spoken to you shall come to pass. Once you cast your prayers, keep present in the Word of God, and only believe that God is working. In this season, it is critical to receive wisdom and knowledge by revelation because wisdom is the stability of our times. Be sensitive to know what God, through the Holy Spirit, requires of you. We have a God who so loves this world that He is willing to restore all that has been stolen from nations economically, socially, financially, and politically in the past months. God cares for all because His grace is to all men.
Matthew 5:45
that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust (NKJV).
Zechariah 10:1
Ask the LORD for rain
In the time of the latter rain.
The LORD will make flashing clouds;
He will give them showers of rain,
Grass in the field for everyone (NKJV)
In Zechariah 10:1, man is instructed to ask God for rain in the season of showers. As a result, everyone who asks bears much fruit in their lives. ln the spiritual realm, these are blessed times. For any person ready to receive in this season, God’s restoration is ready for those with a receiving heart.
November-December (Harvest and Restoration Season)
In the season of harvest and restoration, God will supply supernatural abundance. People who have positioned in the Word of God will live in the most blessed times gathering grain, wine, and oil.
Deuteronomy 11:14
then I will give you the rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the latter rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine, and your oil (NKJV).
Through Jesus Christ, the heavens are pouring supply in what will be the toughest times of the world. Those who believe will have restoration in the coming months before the end of this year with plenty of grass in the field. Don’t be discouraged, there is an outpouring from God to all who choose to hear His direction in the dark economic times. One only needs to be positioned in the right place, with the right seed (the Word of God), to bring forth a supernatural supply of grain, wine, and oil in your life in such times.
Psalm 119:130
The entrance of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple (NKJV).
Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.
Scriptures taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 2020 A Heart For A Soul Ministries.
Evangelist Aisha Namuli is an International minister of the New Covenant. She has and continues to preach the Gospel of Grace and Truth, Righteousness of Faith, Justification by faith, and the Love of Jesus Christ in countries ––– including Germany, Kenya, Netherlands, Uganda, United Kingdom, and the United States.
Evangelist Aisha Namuli is the author of a book Found by Grace: A Muslim Woman’s Journey through Questions to Faith in Jesus Christ. More than a memoir, Found by Grace offers hope, encouragement, and healing to the broken hearted. Also, Evangelist Aisha Namuli is a business entrepreneur, philanthropist, organizational culture and leadership coach, and conference speaker.
After earning a BA in Development Studies from Makerere University, Uganda. Evangelist Aisha Namuli pursued a Master of Science in Non-Profit Management and Leadership at Walden University where she further pursued her PhD in Public Policy and Administration. In 2017, she pursued a professional course in Urban Humanitarian Emergencies under the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) at Harvard University,