Hannington Mayanja, a teacher at Seeta High School and Youth Pastor at Praise Cathedral in Ntinda says even though sacrifice by the shedding of blood was ended, the Lord still asks us to sacrifice. But now He requires a different kind of offering.
The married father of one revealed on Sunday during a church service that following biblical history, the most remarkable men and women we read about were a product of sacrifice. He said great seed will always yield powerful fruit and great sacrifice will always yield great results.
“Sacrifice was the reason Abraham had a fervent relationship with God. It is because of this that God declared a blessing upon him [Abraham] and his descendants.” Pr Majanya said. “How did Abraham respond to God’s command to sacrifice Isaac? With immediate obedience; early the next morning, Abraham started on his journey. He did not refuse, because he knew the secret. Your sacrifice will speak for you.”
“Sarah conceived and gave birth to a son in her old age. Isaac symbolizes an opening of a closed gate. Whenever a womb is opened up, greatness is born. That is why Isaac was a great man. Samuel, John the baptist and more were products of great sacrifice – that is why the came out great, winners in life, they were world changers, they are go getters…. whenever you withhold your sacrifice, gates stay closed.” Pr Hannington added.
In Church today, Christians are often taught that Sacrifice means giving to the Lord whatever He requires of our time, our earthly possessions that could be finances, and our energies to further His work. Our willingness to sacrifice is an indication of our devotion to God. People have always been tried and tested to see if they will put the things of God first in their lives.
Pr Hannington says that during the time of sacrifice, the heavens open up and God often sends an answer, provision to you. He emphasizes that sacrifice is the highest level of divine worship and, the only door you can use to interact with God and the angles.
“The people that pursue your life understand the power of sacrifice. Your sacrifice is the final weapon to turning around your family, business, marriage and no evil feet pursuing your life will be able to pursue you because an altar of sacrifice is always God’s permanent dwelling. He [God] will always respond to a sacrifice with speed .” He said.
“God responded with Fire to Elijah as he faced off the prophets of Baal [1 Kings 18]. You cannot weaken your enemy without a sacrifice. Every time you purpose in the footsteps of the Lord, He provides and shows you mercy. God’s mercy means victory” Hannington said.