Patience Rwabwogo Museveni, the founding pastor of Covenant Nations Church. COURTESY PHOTO.
This week marks 15 years since Covenant Nations Church (CNC) was founded.
In a statement 1 August, the lead Pastor and vision bearer, Patience Rwabwogo Museveni explained that “what began as a house Church has grown to impact the community, city, nation and the nations.”
CNC’s mission for the last 15 years has been training up a generation that recognises that its identity, legitimacy and purpose comes from the Heavenly Father, and that only in true intimacy with Him do we become all that He created us to be.
“Thank you to everyone who has been part of this amazing journey,” Pastor Patience explained.
Reflecting on God’s faithfulness, Pastor Patience urged that God will complete what He started in the ministry and nations, adding: “Greater things are yet to come.”
“The call of God is something that pursues you”
In a recent interview with media, Pastor Patience Rwabwogo stated that following God is a journey, and that despite the challenges one my encounter, “you have a deep sense of fulfilment, knowing that you’re doing what God has called you to do on earth.”
“It’s not something I planned, really, it’s not something that I foresaw. The call of God is something that pursues you,” she spoke to media about ministry in 2019.
“When the Lord calls you into ministry, if you walk with Him, if you have a relationship with Him, you have to surrender to Him. That’s what happened to me about 13 years ago. I received the call to minister and preach the gospel. I have been a believer all my life since I was a child. But, I never thought I would be in church ministry. It was not something that I knew, really. But I received that call, and I obeyed,” she said.
“When I’m at the pulpit I am a messenger, I’m sent. So that is the only mantle that I wear as someone who is sent to deliver a message; to deliver a Word from the Lord. I completely submit myself to the Holy Spirit to be able to speak through me so there is no other competition going on there. My prayer at that moment is, ‘May He increase, and may I decrease.,” the President’s daughter added.