In his book titled ‘God’s covenant,’ the founder and senior Pastor of Mutundwe Christian Fellowship based in Kampala, Uganda, explored how the Holy Spirit equips Christian leaders, and seeks to glorify Jesus Christ by graciously providing power for life and ministry.
Pastor Tom Mugerwa stated that believers in Christ should delve deeper into the Holy Spirit — an integral part of the Trinity, he described as being core to the Christian faith.
The preacher of over 33 years also revealed that only as one walks in the presence of the Holy Spirit will they have the power to resist the passions of the flesh.
He urged that it is impossible to live and serve the Lord effectively without relying on the Holy Spirit’s power.
“God promised Mary through the angel that she would give birth according to Isaiah 9:6. She wondered how this could happen since she had never known a man. But the angel said the Holy Spirit’s power would come upon her to bring this to pass. (Luke 1:28),” he said.
“The work of the demons is to destroy, but the work of the Holy Spirit is to create. When the Holy Spirit comes upon one, creation starts. The Lord might have spoken to you in prophesy, but if the Holy Spirit isn’t there to implement the word, nothing much can happen,” he added.
According to Pastor Mugerwa, the mindset on the flesh is hostile toward God, and a natural person cannot understand the things of God because they are beyond the scope of the mind. (I cor 2:6-15).
“Anyone who has ever attempted to save mother hen’s chicks from an invading eagle will remember the hostile reaction of the Hen. Why? Because it is not in her nature to understand that anybody touching her chicks could mean well. (Psalms 81:11-16). If you are born-again and you have a canal mind, you will not get much revelation of the word of God, and cannot be in agreement with Christ,” he said.
“By the Holy Spirit, your inner eyes and ears can be opened. (Is 50:4-5) (Rev 2:7). You start seeing life as God sees it. Amos said that two couldn’t walk together except in agreement (Amos 3:3) – The Holy Spirit enables you to view situations in the same way as God does (Ephesians 1:17). This is the only way you can avoid the devil from interpreting things for you,” he said.
“You can get any message or read the word of God, but until you get the revelation of it, it will not work in you and the devil will take it away and you won’t bear the fruits of salvation. (Luke 8:11-12). If you don’t have His spirit, you are bound to make a lot of mistakes (Proverbs 16:25) (Rev 3:15-17). It is one thing to know God, and it is another thing for God to reveal Himself to you,” he added.
Furthermore, Pastor Mugerwa noted that once one has received deliverance, it is important for the Holy Spirit and the word of God to occupy that space, otherwise “the demons will come back,” he said, later quoting Mathew 12:43-45.
“Deliverance goes hand in hand with fighting because the demons will come back to check on you. Many believers when attacked simply succumb to evil spirits other than trusting the Spirit of God, who gives peace, joy, love, endurance, meekness etc. You find one giving away to bitterness forgiveness, anger, envy and the like. These are spirits of the devil. Satan cannot chase away Satan. It is only the Holy spirit that can help you defeat the devil. (Mathew 12:22-28.)” he said.