OPINION | By Inspiration Ministries
As a prophet of God, Isaiah had to learn an important lesson: If he was to serve God and accomplish the unique ministry to which he was called, Isaiah needed to be specific about God’s call.
It was not enough for Isaiah to believe in God, nor even to know Him and keep His Word. Yes, God’s commands were as true for Isaiah as they were for everyone else. And he was no different in his need for God’s forgiveness and mercy.
But Isaiah had to realize that he was a unique person, unlike anyone else. God had a special design for his life, and there were specific things he had been called to do.
God was asking specific things of Isaiah that He was asking of no one else. Isaiah had been given unique talents, gifts, and resources that the Lord had given to no other person.
However, this didn’t mean Isaiah was superior or “better” than others. It simply meant he was different and had unique assignments. Instead of being like everyone else, Isaiah was called to do unique things. And he was accountable to God to complete these unique tasks and goals.
Yet, in another way, Isaiah was no different than anyone else. For every person is unique in God’s sight. We each have been given special gifts, talents, and resources. And each of us is given unique assignments—special tasks we’re to focus on throughout our lives.
These truths apply to everyone. And they apply to you!
Walking in the calling God has given us is not always unicorns and cupcakes, right? Most of the time, our calling requires sacrifice and tenacity, a determination not to give up! This determination holds on to God’s promises in the midst of ridicule, fear and discouragement.
Jesus’ ministry demonstrated something special. When He picked 12 people to be His disciples, they were not what you would have expected to be the first-round picks for the team of leaders that would turn the world upside-down. They were not known for being a creative team that would astound people with their brilliance. They were not known for their on-trend skinny jeans, light shows or fog machines.
But they were authentic, raw and definitely real!
Jesus spent the next three years teaching them about the kingdom of God through His words and actions. He taught them about the kingdom that awakens the hearts of humanity and that would shake nations to their core. Jesus taught them about the kingdom that releases the power of the Holy Spirit to break every barrier of the kingdom of darkness.
But even though the same teacher taught them under the same circumstances, the disciples remained true to themselves. Perhaps one of the most important lessons they learned is that even being Christ’s disciple does not extinguish your uniqueness. Instead, it unleashes your Holy Spirit potential.
I have learned from many great men and women of faith, but greatness comes from being His voice, not an echo. We must learn from one another’s effective methods for accomplishing kingdom purposes, but most importantly, we cannot lose our personal identity, which has been transformed by the blood of Jesus.
It is so easy to look at other ministries and think that they have life better than you. After all, the grass is greener on the other side, right? No! If you are so busy trying to live like someone else, who is going to be who God created you to be? It is so much better to be you than to waste your time being somebody else.
God designed every part of you! There is no one in the world who can care like you do. There is no one in the world who can love the people in your life the way you can.
There is no one in the world who can reach your circle of influence the way you can. There is no one in the world who can share the gospel the exact same way you do.
Why would you ever want to be someone else when you have been: adopted as a child of God, redeemed, forgiven, gifted with the Holy Spirit, blessed with the will and plan of God on your life, and made holy and blameless in God’s sight?
All of those blessings and attributes are yours. They are sealed, guaranteed, inherited and your possession! You cannot lose them. They are not going anywhere, for they are protected by the power of God!
Why would you want to be like anyone else, when you have all of these things and you are perfect in your position with Christ?
Remember, everything from God is a gift, including your life. Cherish it—because He does.