It has always been the cry of every parent and grand parent that their children will reach their full potential in life. However, living in chaotic and perilous times, the young people have ended up flooding in brokenness, helpless, hopeless, and confused ideals.
Apostle Grace Lubega, the vision bearer of Phaneroo says fatherlessness is one of the prevailing issues affecting this generation.
Whether it’s a father who’s physically absent, or one who is spiritually and emotionally distant, Grace Lubega states that lack of a father has left a noticeable mark on society, and church at the same time.
“A fathering spirit is wanting in our nation. Of course many claim that position by reason of age or experience, but we are not bringing forth the results and fruits of what it means to be a fathered generation.” he says.
Phaneroo recently gathered thousands men at in the Capital – Kampala and urged them to among other things take up the mantle of responsibility in their homes.
“When we wanted to discus the issue of men, ideally, the thoughts that came to our spirits are the things we want to touch, address and feel are serious questions,” Apostle Grace says. “Some have come from a place of disappointment in what we have had as a picture in the fathering movements.”
“Many of our young men do not have direction, many, who are even way older have failed in life. Some have career issues, some its commitment issues, others it is maturity issues,” he maintains.
Uganda was recently ranked top among countries with the youngest population in the world. Apostle Grace lubega believes as a result of a fatherless, you can expect high crime rates and irresponsible families. That does not only reflect in the secular world, but has an equal effect in the church, he says.
“We are fatherless, right from the people who are fathering us. It does not mean we do not have old men – many of them are not playing their part,” he explains. “You have seen that the biggest battles that are within the body of Christ are actually in the oldest and most senior members of our nation. It is so absurd that it is happening in the church of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ,”
There is Hope
Is there a possibility of delivering the captives, rebuilding, restoring, and replenishing lives with purpose?With confident in Daniel 12:4, Apostle Grace Lubega urges the bible is very clear that in the last days knowledge shall increase.
“We are leaving in one of the most beautiful times in earth history, and I believe the best days are yet to come. The Lord has poured out a lot of grace, knowledge, anointing, revelation, vision, understanding – and this generation is going to be better off than the previous, and we hope that is going to go on up ward from glory to glory as the church is being formed and perfected to the likeness of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.” he says.
Responsible entity
According to the preacher, titles and positions of authority are not to built personal egoes but stir responsibility.
When God calls the woman the weaker sex (1 Peter 3:7), Apostle Grace says it means God has ordained more responsibilities “to you as a man, and to whom much is give, much is required.”
“Man is supposed to be a responsible entity, that is why when Eve eats the fruit, God has a problem with Adam. The responsibility is ordained upon Adam to know what to do, when to do it. Many times we do not take responsibility of our finances and careers. We are dealing young men who are getting to levels of getting married at 28, but don’t know the basics of leaving like a man.” he says.
“What God has exempted us from is the spirit of struggle not the responsibility of manhood,” he explains. “We are dealing with these kind of issues not into places of leadership. Leadership is not only a problem in Uganda – it is a problem all in Africa. You have seen how it is in the political social, arena, we are lacking a very serious leadership voice. Many men have shied away from places of leadership. We don’t just want to do men’s conference to encourage men, we want them to take responsibility.”
Spiritual fathers to a fatherless generation
By demonstrating the love and nature of the Heavenly Father, Apostle Grace urges the people of God can bring hope to a fatherless generation, setting them upon the rock foundation of Christ.
“You can see what was upon Joseph, how that from day one, Jacob knew that there was something special on Joseph’s life. That is why he buys him the Coat of many colors. The Lord was with Joseph even through the rejection, trials. The beauty was that from onset, the father Jacob knew what was upon his son,” Apostle Grace Lubega says.
“You have seen how our fathers in the nation are fighting sons. Many have not even inspired the young to come up. It is not even a secret when a son leaves a ministry, the father has to fight him. It is almost as if there is no Saul that will feel comfortable to see David rise up. Today we have many prodigal son leaving and many times we blame the the sons (true some have mistakes) but I have also been long enough in the gospel to realize that our fathers have many mistakes.” he continues.
Round table
“I have seen some men of God fight young men on internet. The young man you are fighting, you have access to. You can get his phone number and call, reach him on Facebook, write him an email, take him for coffee and talk to him like a son. What simply goes beyond spiritual to common sense is no longer working in the body of Christ today. You have seen how even women ministers are marginalized in the gospel,” Apostle Grace Lubega says.
By Staff Writer.