A survey conducted ahead of the Martyrs Day Celebrations at Namugongo has revealed that 82.61 percent of Born-again Christians in Uganda would willingly give up their lives for their found faith in Christ.
Among other Christian denominations, the survey revealed that 64.62 percent Catholics, and 57.14 percent Anglicans were willing to died for their faith.
These findings were on 2nd June published in a report by Vision Group flowing research they carried out using Surveymonkey, an online survey tool.
The questions solicited self reported perceptions and preferences from respondents whose identity was protected. The State aided media firm says it received 278 responses on Facebook and WhatsApp.
Responses from males where overwhelming, with 67.88 percent (186) and females, just 32.12 percent. Four respondents left the gender question black, the Media outlet reported.
Over half the respondents (50.37 percent) claimed to be married, 28.47 percent single, 10.22 percent dating, and 8.30 percent cohabiting.
Vision Group says some of the findings were interesting as some Ugandans viewed martyrs as traitors, and said Kabaka Mwanga was right to punish his pages with death.
“Many people expressed willingness to die for their faith, but did not want their children to do the same,” the report read.
“The majority (92.7 percent) declared the Uganda Martyrs heroes, but when the question changed to whether they were traitors, 82 percent said they were not. That means that 10.35 percent of the respondents implied that they were heroes and traitors at the same time,” it added.