Founder and Senior Pastor of the Miracle Centre Cathedral Robert Kayanja. COURTESY PHOTO.
Miracle Centre Cathedral – Rubaga reports that 250,000 people have responded to the call of salvation in Jesus Christ since the 77 Days Of Glory (DOGs) revival meeting started 4 years ago.
The lead pastor, Robert Kayanja explained during an interview with a state-linked news daily that this ongoing gospel meeting has also led to the baptism of 175,000 people.
Inaugurated in response to an instruction from the Holy Spirit in September 2016, Mr Kayanja said gangsters, prostitutes, politicians, drug addicts, murderers, celebrities, witches, are among the thousands transformed.
“We have had over 6,000 couples sanctify marriages, 250,000 people gave their lives to Christ and 175,000 got baptised,” Pastor Kayanja said.
‘Focus on the great commission’
Pastor Kayanja wrote in the Holy Spirit 77 Days of Glory series 6th book that the Church needs to focus on the great commission. He urged that in order to understand God, Christians need to understand His word.
According to the Pastor, many of God’s people are living in confusion and still suffer from the “my church is better than yours- syndrome,” instead of “focusing on following Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.”
“I have travelled and preached in over eighty countries, in numerous crusades, conferences and churches, but I have never walked to the pulpit and right away, began to call out the afflicted to be healed without ministering to them first in the Word of God. I know it is possible to do so but if one did that, there would be no difference between a preacher of the gospel and a magician. It is necessary that people are given the word of God as a basis for their faith,” he wrote.
When one studies God’s word, Mr Kayanja says that they easily get to know Him and His will.
“Many people want to know God through His power or His works, but then forget that the most fundamental thing that started the whole creation was the word of God. The word was with God and the word was God (John 1:1), so when you get the word of God, the will of God will be revealed in your heart.”
“The church ought to know better. We should stop the pettiness of denominational strife and instead focus on the great commission of going into the whole world and preaching the gospel to every creature,” he wrote.