A total of 64 students from St Lawrence Crown City Campus and Horizon Campus – Budo have received the incredible gift of salvation after welcoming Jesus Christ into their lives.
Pastor Stephen Banyikiza Wamara of Watoto Church – Suubi says the ministry was overwhelmed by the response and readiness of the young people to hear and share the gospel.
“We received a call to be at Crown City on Wednesday and Horizon Campus on Friday during the first week of this month,” he narrated on Friday.
Pr Banyikiza explains that he showed up with his team at the institutions, and set up their equipment. In between the preparations, the radical team he arrived with was already connecting with the young people at the school.
“A young lady shared how exposure to porn ate away from her life until she found freedom in Christ. Many of the young people came forward after a brief sharing and our children prayed for them,”
Following this testimony, the Pastor says seventeen (17) responded to the call of the Holy Spirit, and gave their lives to Christ at St Lawrence Crown City Campus.
“Two days later we ended up at Horizon Campus where the young ladies were so eager to hear the word. They helped with the set up. The atmosphere was charged up, and Jesus showed up. Everything changed!”
“After a wonderful time in worship, one shared her story of how she was abandoned at a hospital till she was four years old. She was bitter until she found Jesus who transformed her. As she shared you could hear a pin drop. After a brief sharing on forgiveness,”
Pr Banyikiza says here as many as 47 students gave their lives to Christ and the team “prayed for countless.”
“So blessed to be doing life with such amazing youngsters with a great passion for Jesus Christ – The new believers were encouraged to join bible based churches to grow in their new life in Christ,” the pastor said.
“When Paul says; I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes; he was describing what defines the young people at Watoto Suubi,” he added.