Why doesn’t God stop rapists from Raping, murderers from murdering?

Fatherhood’s Call to Duty. Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. “Why doesn’t God stop murders or other horrible crimes?” Ravi gives a powerful answer based on the supreme ethic of...

Fatherhood's Call to Duty. Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Fatherhood’s Call to Duty. Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. “Why doesn’t God stop murders or other horrible crimes?” Ravi gives a powerful answer based on the supreme ethic of love: “It is the peak of all intellectual and emotional alignment,”

Ravi Zacharias is known for his articulate, insightful answers to very tough theological questions.

He is a world-famous philosopher, apologist, and ministry leader, and his videos have been viewed millions of times on Facebook and YouTube.

In this clip, an audience member asks, “Why doesn’t God stop murders or other horrible crimes?”

If God exists, why doesn’t He stop rapists from raping? Why doesn’t He stop suicide bombers from bombing? Why doesn’t God stop fatal car accidents from happening? If He has all the power? If He is indifferent, then, why worship Him? Are these your questions?

These type of questions are excellent questions and they’re extremely common.

Dr Zacharias, by the Holy Spirit, does answer thee.


In this article