So many times we have a wrong picture about following Jesus Christ that is not biblical. We think like the young rich man who came to Jesus to find out what is required to follow after eternal life, and he was shocked.
From Mathew 10:17-22, he thought, “I am OK, I have not been adulterous, into theft or murder… I am just fine. I will go as I am and stay as I was because I am good already; just fine,”
He, like many, knows how to define perfection to God. We often want God to take our picture of what perfection means. Well, he himself knows what perfect is not.
Very many of us are longing for eternal life. We so much want to go to heaven and eternally live with Christ. Good, if it was just all about desire and motive, this guy was done. But well, it’s more than that sir/madam.
We come to Christ Jesus with our pictures and ideologies of who a perfect person should be. We follow him while advising him. You want him to give you this kind of a husband, this kind of a wife. Tall with a chocolate color, ever smiling, with this and that. Hhhhmm!! You will be shocked when he reveals who a husband / wife is to him.
You want him to give you this job, this salary, this and that, well, he knows where he is taking his own and why! Just come and follow him.
So Jesus Christ gave his answer [Mark 10:21-31] immediately, the man was sad, and he went away, never to return. Wow, Jesus angers men and women who want to follow him? All I know is that He is truth, and truth is all He says. But truth knows no friend, so he will tell you the truth and you will have to choose.
The truth about following Him
- He must be all you have. Go sell all you have and come follow me. Very many want to have all things in the world as they follow Him. Well, such people will be annoyed today by this message, and this is their end, they can’t manage to follow Jesus.
- You must follow His instructions even if they hurt, walking in humility before Him. The true taste for humility to me (Pr. Mukisa Version of Humility) is;
- To do what His word says even when it hurts me, as long as He stays happy. Humility to me is doing his word.
- Giving to Him even when I don’t have enough.
- Being contented with what he has given me because I know he is faithful and will finish what he started. That is humility to me.
So, the guy failed the first test, humility. He couldn’t take Jesus’ instructions. Take up the cross and follow him. Note, he didn’t tell him, take up the world, or your cross, or your life. He said, TAKE UP THE CROSS.
The cross is one and it is to deny yourself all in order to follow after making the kingdom of God happy. We must daily be focused on making heaven clap, punch the air in joy, raise fists in happiness because we left all and chose God. How do I know this? When at all times, I keep hold of the peace of God that surpasses understanding. When at all times I follow the joy of the Holy Spirit.
Well, you want eternal life; this is eternal life, to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom God sent. Not having a lot of money. Not enjoying life or possessions and living my way, but His. Yes, we need all the rest, God delights in our prosperity but, Christ has to be at the center of it all.
Are you still happy after all this? If yes, then you will find eternal life.
Contribution By Pr. Mukisa Fred.