Scientists discover irrefutable evidence the Tower of Babel really existed

Scientists from Smithsonian, the world’s largest museum, education, and research complex, with 19 museums can now confirm the Tower of Babel was indeed real. Archaeologists have discovered a...

Scientists from Smithsonian, the world’s largest museum, education, and research complex, with 19 museums can now confirm the Tower of Babel was indeed real.

Archaeologists have discovered a tablet detailing the rise—and fall—of this tower that birthed multiple languages.

“I thought as a kid, this was just folklore or legend,” says Jeff Allen of the World Monument fund. “A lot of people still think of it in biblical terms as some kind of legend, but they don’t really know that it actually existed. I’m really at the place where the tower stood.”

Jeff says the fragile remains of the legendary city of Babel in modern day Iraq, reveal very many secrets.

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