By Our Reporter
Accra, Ghana – We often don’t see it coming. It could be a health crisis, loss of a loved one, an employment shake-up, betrayal, or some form of persecution. Every difficulty in your life, whether big or small, is something God can use to anoint and usher you into a season of strength, faith and perseverance, Pr Jessica Kayanja has said.
The founder and President of Girl Power Ministries was a keynote speaker at ‘Impact 2018,’ a Christian event at Action Chapel International, headquartered in Accra, Ghana, that seeks to influence and train a new generation in excellence and ethical leadership for ministry among other areas.
Pr Jessica said that there is an anointing that “comes out of a rock or hard place.”
Running under the theme ‘Impacting Generations’, the co-Pastor at Miracle Centre Cathedral was joined by among others American Pastor Michael Pitts who oversees the Cornerstone Global Network, a network of over 150 churches throughout the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, South Africa and the UK.
“I’m married to a man of God in a miracle ministry, but we had to believe God for children. For years I came to Church while other Pastors wives dedicated children. I could have no children. And every time I conceived, the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. There was anguish, there was pain. In my marriage, I cried out to God. I said; Why the shame? Why the hurt? Why the worry? Not only did He give me children, not only did He give me twins as well, God gave me the anointing to pray, to cry out and travail,” Pr Jessica said in her sermon.
In Exodus, God commands Moses to strike a rock, and promises to make water flow in the desert for the people. Pr Jessica used the illustration to explain how God is able to do the impossible under unexpected circumstances.
“Do you know that David was exiled before he went to the Palace? Do you know that Joseph was thrown into prison before he received the anointing to interpret dreams? From your marital issues will come an anointing. From your bareness and pain in business will come an anointing. I was not born a Pastor’s daughter, or even brought up in the Church. My parents were not even pentecostals but God anointed me during the hardest of times. From that rock will come out water,” Pr Jessica said.
“As husband and wife, we went through allegations of homosexuality. We were in the court for over three years – I am no longer afraid to say that – For 3 years I held my husband’s hand. I would come with him in court, in shame, pain and anguish. I was embarrassed before my friends and family, but I’m here to tell you that from that tough situation, we travailed before God,”the wife to Pastor Robert Kayanja said.
“We murmured like the children of Israel…When we were being ridiculed everywhere, online and on tv, we were still preaching all around, and doing crusades… God knew how He was going to fix it. It was just a process. I was standing in transit. Some of you think you are going to die there. It is just a process. You are standing in transit. You have to encounter a rock and sometimes, what could be a rock to you, may not be a rock to me. God knows what I will call a rock,” She explained.
‘Impact 2018′ will run till December 2.