Known for its tasteful production that combines outstanding music, dance, drama, and audiovisual elements that bring life to the Christmas story, Watoto Church has kicked off its 32nd Christmas Cantata.
Unlike what we have seen before, the Church says that this edition will in a special way challenge Christians “to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Light!”
Themed “No More Night”, the entire production focuses on the birth of Jesus, and how following Him will keep us from walking in darkness.
“There will be No More Night when Jesus lights up your world this season. We live in a world that is dark – riddled with pain, brokenness and desperation. But there is hope. Jesus is our light and at Christmas, we celebrate the coming of Jesus as the Light of the World.” The Church says.
The cast and production crew has taken a fresh look at Christ’s birth, closely inspired by the Spirit of God to make it a faith-uplifting experience that will amaze audiences all across the country.
“Experience a colorful production laced with high-energy music, creative dance, drama and multi-media, bringing to life the Nativity story, as you have never seen it. All shows are free.” The Church adds.
Recently, the Executive producer, Marilyn Skinner, said Christmas is about remembering the gift that God gave us, and “Cantata is a gift from Watoto Church to this beautiful city of Kampala and its amazing people.”
Located at the heart of Kampala, Watoto Church is an english speaking, cell based, community Church, growing and multiplying as each one reaches one, touching the lives of those around with the love of Christ, bringing healing to cities and nations.
Showtime Dates And Time;
No More Night:
Watoto Church Downtown
Mon 19 – Fri 23 Dec, 6pm & 8:15pm
Sat 24 Dec, 3pm & 5:15pm
Christmas in the Air:
Watoto Church Gulu
Sun 18 – Wed 21 Dec, 7pm