Intercessors for Uganda, a national intercessory ministry is organizing an annual National Prayer Conference, together with Uganda Jubilee Network, under the theme: “Remitting the Sins of Slavery” based on Deuteronomy 24:7 and Exodus 21:6.
This prayer conference will bring together individuals involved in the ministry of interceding for the nation from across the country to collectively hear God and pray for the Church and Nation to fit into God’s plan for our times.
This will happen from 14th – 18th August 2018, 8:30a.m – 5:00p.m. at Pece Stadium in Gulu Municipality, Northern Uganda.
The Conference will focus on the legacy of the African slave trade and remitting its sins, the organisers said in a statement released 8 August.
“Despite gaining political independence, most African nations are still economic slaves to the rest of the world, with Africa only accounting for about 2% of world trade as African elites continue to loot the continent in cohort with the same foreign powers that superintended over the slave trade,” the statement said.
Uganda Jubilee Network explained there are historical facts that the ethnic tribal chiefs and other community leaderships engaged actively in the slave trade, thus orchestrating devastating effects on the population even in the subsequent generations.
“For this cause, we must take responsibility in repentance before God for the sin and legacy of the slave trade so that the cycle of slavery in our land is remitted and our people released to their destiny,” the statement said.
It was noted that thousands of Ugandan youth are flocking the Middle East for employment, and that several accounts coming from the region indicate that many end up working in slavish conditions and even being sold in modern day slave markets.
A recent report indicated that 50 Ugandan youths had committed suicide in the Middle East.
“It is almost unheard of for youths in Uganda to commit suicide despite the difficult impoverished conditions many live in. What sort of conditions would lead our youth to take their own lives in these foreign lands? They must be very dire,” the statement read.
Uganda Jubilee Network says the bible has much to say about the repercussions of kidnapping, mistreating and selling a fellow brother.
“Through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, past and present evils can be remitted at the cross and a new day opened for individuals, families and nations,” the organisation said.
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