How to identify and stay free from false prophets, teachers

False prophets are not a surprise. They will always be there. What you need is to know how to identify them and how to stay free from them....


False prophets are not a surprise. They will always be there. What you need is to know how to identify them and how to stay free from them.

We are in 1 Chronicles 26:1-32 and 2 Peter 2:1-22. These chapters are devoted to dealing with the subject of false prophets. I know that there is a question in many people’s lives, the question is, who is the right preacher and who is the wrong one?

The confusing part is that both preach from the Bible, the religious and the non religious, the false and the truthful – all preach the Bible.

So people ask, who should I listen to?? First, get to understand that truth is not anyone’s ideas but the word of God, John 17:17. Truth is not how right you are, it is truth if it is the word of God.

False prophets take advantage of the fact that people don’t want to read the word of God themselves.

God speaks primarily by his word. His word is the lamp to our feet; not the words of a man, of God.

People switch off from listening to the word of God as soon as they see the anointing of men of God, and begin to make men of God their Holy Spirit.

No one is ever going to replace the authority of the Word. You will not be able to discern deception if you don’t know Truth, which is only and only the word of God.

Do you get this point??? See what Peter says.

1. They will be there even as they were there from the start. Therefore be alert, don’t take my word just because I prayed for you and you got a miracle.

Miracles don’t replace the word of God. Get it down to your soul, and know that false prophets are there. That means, you will be cautious, alert, and sensitive to only take truth. You don’t believe anyone until you are certain that it is balanced in the overall word of God. But how will you get to know that if you don’t read the word yourself? That’s why you must take time daily and read the word of God yourself.

2. They use covetousness to exploit people with deception. Verse 3; Covetousness is having a strong desire for the things other people have. And in Order to get you to give them out, they use deception.

Deception is making someone do things without truth as the major backup. Truth is only the Word. If you don’t read and know what the word says, you won’t know who is covetously taking from you.

3. Their eyes are full of Adultery.

Jesus said in Matthew 7. That you shall know them by their fruits. They will not condemn sin at all because they too are slaves to sin and one good one in them is Adultery. You will hear how they live, adulterous.

4. They entice the unstable. They are smart, they don’t want you to read by yourself, they want you to only be exposed to their words. Because if you read by yourself, you will grow, and be stable, and become undeceivable.

They target the unstable. Eph4:11-16 says that we only grow up to full stature when the saints are edified from the operation of the fivefold ministry.

You won’t know the right way until you read the word yourself. The point to save you is simple, be alert through studying the Bible for yourself.

False teachers and prophets are there. Get to screen them by the word and live a life God wants for you, by following his word as the lamp for your feet.

By Pr Mukisa Fred – Voice of Truth Ministries.

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